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  • 66 maildd.m4a




I had set my alarm to wake me up early on Friday. Mark would be back from his trip by Ten AM, and I wanted everything to be perfect when he got there. Tracy also got up early as she wanted to be ready for when her husband arrived. I had to wear my house boy uniform as Tracy didn't want Mark to know what we had been up to for the last week. Even though I still wore the corset and my stockings under my clothes, I didn't feel right. I didn't like the pants any longer.

When Mark came home, Tracy and I waited by the door for him. As soon as he came into the door, Tracy threw herself at him. He scooped her up into his arms, and they hugged each other as tight as they could while they kissed each other passionately. While they kissed, I averted my eyes so as not to appear like I was watching them.

When their lips finally separated, they said in unison. "God, I missed you."

They laughed together before Tracy said, "Darling, this is Stevie, our new house boy. Stevie, this is my husband, Mark."

Mark shook my hand and immediately noticed my painted fingernails before saying. "Hi, Stevie; it's good to meet you. Now, if you will excuse us, we have some catching up to do. We'll call you if we need anything." Tracy and Mark practically ran into the bedroom after that. Seeing everything else was as clean as could be, I went into the laundry room to do some laundry.

At noon Maria came into the laundry room and said, "How about some lunch. The laundry can wait, as they won't need any for a while, if at all this weekend."

Maria and I sat and talked while we shared a light meal. About one the in-house phone rang and Maria answered it. After she hung up, she said to me. "They want something cold to drink, a beer for Mr. Mark and ice tea for Miss Tracy."

Once Maria, had the drinks poured, she said, "Now don't be upset with the way they are dressed; they are not that modest. In fact, they're quite the opposite."

I knew Tracy was very immodest from bringing her breakfast each morning. But I couldn't imagine she would be that way with her husband in the same room. Surely they would cover themselves before I walked in.

After knocking on their door and gaining permission to enter, I saw how wrong my thinking was. Neither of them bothered to cover themselves as they lay on the bed. Tracy lay with her head on her husband's shoulder as her hand caressed his flaccid penis. Mark's arm encircled Tracy's shoulder so his hand could caress her large breast.

I saw instantly why Tracy referred to my penis as small. Mark's cock was completely soft and flaccid, and he was still bigger than I was. Even soft, it looked like he had a log where his cock should be. The best I could guess at the time, he was eight inches long and two inches thick. I couldn't even think about what he would look like when he was erect.

After I stared at his cock for a few seconds, I heard Mark say. "Impressive, isn't it, Stevie?"

Knowing I had just been caught starring at another man's cock I felt myself blush before saying, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mark, I shouldn't have stared."

"That's okay, you're not the first man to stare at my cock. Now let's have that beer so I can get back to reminding my wife why she married me." He told me as he reached for the glass of beer.

Once they had their drinks, Mark said, "Tell Maria we'll eat at four and tell her I don't want any of that sissy food she makes for Tracy. I want a man's meal, a nice juicy steak, and a baked potato."

I ate the same meal that Tracy ate. Seasoned fish and a vegetable medley. This time I had to eat in the kitchen before I served Tracy and Mark their dinner in the dining room. Mark had his steak, a large porterhouse with a large baked potato, and lots of sour creams. It was the first piece of meat I had seen in the house since moving in. After dinner, I didn't see Mark for the rest of the night, but Tracy came to my bedroom.

I had gotten dressed for bed around ten that evening. When I did get changed, I put on a purple nightie with matching panties. I don't know why I did it except to say I did it for Tracy, as I knew she would want me in something feminine.

About midnight, I heard my door open, and the next instant, Tracy was sitting on my bed. I felt her hands run over my satin-covered body as she said. "Good night, my sweet girl. I see you wore something pretty for me."

I next felt Tracy pull down my panties as her lube finger made contact with my anus. She kissed me as she finger fucked me, then when she pulled her fingers free, she said. "I told you every day you will find your bottom filled, and tonight will be no exception." At that instant, I felt the dildo from the first night invade my asshole.

Tracy fucked my ass for a few minutes before pushing the dildo all the way in until my anus snapped shut around the base of the dildo. She then kissed me deeply before leaving the bed and the room. I missed her deeply as I fell into a sound sleep.

The next morning when I went into my bathroom, I found a new enema kit on the bathroom vanity. I knew somehow Tracy had left it, but when I had no idea. After giving myself a thorough cleaning, I took a shower and washed my hair.

I had to use the mousse to slick my hair back and take out most of the curls. Even with my hair combed with a boyish look, I still looked like a girl, especially with my double-pierced ears and the bright red fingernails I sported. I was actually surprised that Mark hadn't said anything about my obvious feminine styling.

After getting my house boy's uniform on, I went into the kitchen and found Maria hard at work preparing breakfast. She was cooking bacon, sausage, and several eggs. She already had Tracy's fruit plate made as well as my own. She told me to hurry and eat as Mr. Mark was already up and asking for his breakfast.

I ate as fast as I could, and within a few minutes, I was standing outside the master bedroom holding a tray filled with food. I knocked lightly and was told to enter. Tracy was still lying on the bed in all her naked glory while Mark was doing pushups on the floor beside the bed. He, too, was naked, and he was counting off his pushups.

When he hit one hundred, he jumped to his feet and said, "Nothing like doing a hundred pushups before a man-size breakfast." Mark then sat next to his wife before he started devouring his meal like he hadn't eaten in weeks.

Once they were eating, I picked up the stray clothes around the bedroom before going into the dressing room. There too, I picked up more clothes before going into the bathroom. After filling the bathtub and the enema bag, I went back into the bedroom to get Tracy.

After getting Tracy and following her into the bathroom, She took me in her arms and kissed me deeply. I had this terrible feeling that Mark would come into the bathroom at any second. Thankfully he didn't come in before Tracy released me, as she could feel my apprehension.

Before taking her arms off of me, she asked, "Did you find the enema kit I left you? I hope you used it." After I told her I did, and I used it, she kissed me once more.

After Tracy gave herself an enema and sank into the tub, I went into the bedroom to clean and make the bed. Mark was sitting on one of the chairs reading the newspaper. He was still naked, and I tried to ignore it as I started stripping the bed.

Once Mark saw I was striping the bed, he stood and said. "We really made a mess of those sheets last night. I hope that doesn't bother you. Well, anyway, I'm going to take a shower." Mark then stood before stretching to give me a clear view of his well-muscled body. He then went into the bathroom.

After I remade the bed and cleaned up in the bedroom, I went back into the bathroom. I wasn't sure if I should, as they both were there, but that was my normal thing to do, and Tracy didn't tell me not to come in. Besides, Mark had to know I'd seen her naked earlier.

When I went back into the bathroom, Mark was in the shower. Seeing the shower wall was made of clear glass as well as the door, I could see Mark clearly as he soaped up his body. But my attention was quickly drawn away from Mark as Tracy held out her hand for me to help her out of the tub.

After drying off Tracy, I started applying moisturizer, but at the same time, I couldn't help stealing glances at Mark's body in the shower. I don't know why I found him so attractive, as I never took notice of any man before. All I know is that his body was so well sculpted that I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Tracy must have noticed my inattention. As I worked the moisturizer into her breasts, she pulled my head so I could look into her eyes and said. "He is a very handsome man, isn't he? Though I would appreciate you paying more attention to me when you're putting moisturizer on me." I know. I blushed as I could feel my face heat up. Tracy giggled but didn't say anymore.

Once I had moisturized Tracy's body, Mark turned off the shower and said, "Stevie, hand me a towel, would you?"

Tracy handed me a towel and said, "Help Mark dry off like you dry off me, Stevie."

As Tracy pushed me toward her husband, Mark stepped out of the shower and turned his back toward me. I couldn't believe I was actually being made to dry another man's body. I mean, it was one thing to look at a well-defined man's body but to touch it as intimately as I touched Tracy's was more than I expected.

If it bothered Mark at all, I couldn't see it as he stood with his legs slightly spread. I slowly worked the towel over his hardback, and believe me, it was as hard as granite. It didn't seem like he was flexing his muscles, but they had no given to them. It was almost like I was touching a marble statue. He also had no body hair anywhere.

Once his back was dry, Tracy pushed me to my knees and said, "Make sure you get between his ass cheeks; we wouldn't want Mark to get a rash."

I couldn't believe I had to dry his ass, as this was more intimate than I wanted to get with Mark. I knew I was their servant but wasn't this more than anyone should do. I couldn't see any way out of it with Tracy standing over me while Mark was letting it happen. Surely he should put a stop to it.

Mark didn't stop me as I pressed the towel into the valley between his ass cheeks. More to the point, he spread his legs a little more to give me access. I even had to press the towel to his anus with my thumb to ensure it was dry.

Once his ass was dry, I quickly dried his legs. I thought I was done till Mark turned around. Tracy pulled me to my feet so I could start on Marks's chest.

Once more, I was taken by how hard his chest muscles were. His pectoral muscles were well-shaped, as was his six-pack abs. He didn't have even a hint of love handles.

Once his chest was dry, I went to my knees without Tracy prompting me. I knew she would want me to dry Mark's legs as well as his feet. His leg and thigh muscles were as hard as the rest of him.

Once his feet were dry, I went to stand, but Tracy held me down while saying, "You're almost done, sweetie, only one more place to dry." It didn't occur to me what she was referring to until she said, "You still need to dry is wonderful cock and balls, honey. After all, my husband can't walk around with wet balls, can he?"

Now, this was going further than I thought was appropriate. Surly, Mark would object to being handled by another man. I mean, I wasn't anywhere as manly as he was, but I was still a man.

Mark didn't object at all. As I looked up at him in hopes he would stop this, he merely smiled down at me as if to say, get on with it. I then looked over at Tracy, who was also smiling.

I saw no way out of this as I didn't want to disappoint Tracy, and I didn't want to anger Mark. I need this job, and I need a place to live. I couldn't see any other way out of it, so I reached up with the towel and wrapped it around Mark's cock.

My hands shook as I rubbed the towel over his cock. It was at that point I realized how big Mark's cock really was. It felt massive in my hand, and it wasn't even the slightest bit hard. His balls felt huge, too, as they seemed to feel like two golf balls in his scrotum. The worst part of this whole ordeal was that I could feel my own cock become hard as I dried Mark's cock.

I was really in a quandary now. I mean, why would I get excited touching another man's privates. I'm not gay, so why would this excite me. At the same time, I could feel Mark's cock start to swell in my hand. This surprised me as well. Could Mark be enjoying this as well?

If he did, he didn't show it as he stepped away and went to the sink to shave. Tracy helped me to my feet, and while I was standing in front of her, I felt her hand brush past my crotch. I knew she had felt my hard-on though she didn't say anything. She just smiled and left the room.

As I cleaned up the bathroom, Mark shaved his face. When he was done, he said, "I really liked the way you dried me after my shower. I hope you'll do it all the time." Before I could answer, Mark, knuckled my chin and left the bathroom.

After I cleaned the bathroom, I went back to the bedroom and saw that Mark and Tracy were both gone. Where they had gone to, I didn't know, but I was relieved that they weren't in the bedroom. I picked up the dirty linen and brought it to the laundry room before taking the dirty dishes back to the kitchen.

As I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, Maria came over to me and asked, "What's wrong honey, you look flushed?"

It was like a floodgate opened as my embarrassment flowed over me. I was just about in tears when I said. "Tracy had me dry off Mark the way I dried her. I had to touch his thing."

Maria took me in her arms and said. "There, there, sweetie, it's no big deal, it's only flesh, and it won't kill you. Believe me, I've handled plenty of them in my time."

"But you're a girl. I'm a boy. I'm not supposed to touch another man's penis," I told her in a whine.

Maria held me for a few seconds more before saying. "Relax, baby, it's nothing to quit your job over; after all, they didn't make you suck it, did they. I mean, you only touched it, didn't you?"

I nodded my head, to which Maria said. "So you didn't do anything sexual with it. Even if you did, it would be okay. Everyone's a little bisexual anyway. Now just relax and get comfortable with it, after all, Mark is a very handsome man. It would not be surprising if he turns you on, seeing how feminine you are." Before I could say anything, the phone rang, and Maria answered it. It was her boyfriend, so I knew she would be occupied for a while.

I went into the laundry room to do some wash and to occupy my mind. I really didn't want to think about what happened in the bathroom. That plan didn't work as I thought of nothing else. I also couldn't help getting aroused at the thought of having my hands on Mark's body, especially his cock. Just thinking about it would give me an instant hard-on.

At about eleven o'clock Maria called me into the kitchen once I was there she said, "I'm leaving shortly. Miss Tracy said they would either go out for dinner or call something in so you don't have to worry about dinner. For lunch, I made a sandwich for Mr. Mark and a salad for you and Miss Tracy. They also asked for you to bring them some ice tea out by the pool."

Maria already had the iced tea poured, and it was waiting on the counter. Before she left Maria kissed my forehead and told me to relax and enjoy myself for the rest of the afternoon. She told me, seeing it was the weekend, I shouldn't work too hard.

I took the tea out to the pool area where Tracy and Mark were lying in the sun. They were both naked, and their bodies glistened from the tanning oil. It was surprising how good they looked with oil covering their skin.

As I offered the drinks to them, Tracy said, "Oh good, now you can do my back. It's hard to reach, and I didn't want to disturb Mark."

After they each took a glass, Tracy handed me the bottle of tanning oil and turned it over onto her tummy. I liberally applied the tanning oil onto her skin, so every inch of her back was covered with the oil. I made sure to get between her legs and the crack of her beautiful ass to ensure an even tan.

After I was done doing Tracy and I was about to wipe my hand off on a towel, Mark asked. "You don't mind doing my back, too, do you? I saw how much you seemed to enjoy doing Tracy."

I'm sure I smiled the whole time I did Tracy's back. I always smiled when I touched Tracy, and I was sure this time was no exception. I was also sure I couldn't get out of doing Mark's back, seeing I already towel-dried him earlier.

Once Mark was turned over onto his stomach, I started applying the oil to his upper body. This time there was no towel between his skin and the skin on my hand. And the oil seemed to make contact between us all the more intimate.

His skin was warm to the touch, and my hand seemed to glide over it as I rubbed the oil into his skin. I hated to admit it, but it was pretty sensual, and I was quickly turned on. It didn't take long before my cock was quite hard, as hard as it was when I did Tracy's back. It didn't even turn me off when I slid my hand between his legs and his ass cheeks to ensure an even tan.

When I was done, it took everything I had just to stand as I was shaking like a leaf, and I was turned on so much from doing both of them. I quickly wiped my hands with a towel and made a haste retreat into the house. By the time I was inside, I was practically breathless. I didn't know why I was that excited over putting oil on Mark, but it was very exciting.

It took me about twenty minutes to calm down, and in that time, I tried to rationalize why I had the feeling I did. I knew why I had those feeling when I did, Tracy. I knew what pleasure her body could give me. Also, I was a guy, and beautiful sexy women turned guys on. But why was I so turned on by Mark? Granted, he was very handsome and highly attractive, but I was never attracted to another guy before.

What made him so different, or was it I who was different. God knows I've been having sex more like a girl the last few days than like a guy. Tracy has been using a dildo or a strap on me, and I loved every second of it. Maybe I was really turning into a girl, or at least my mind was.

About an hour later, I heard the in-house phone ring, and I knew I would have to answer it as Maria was already gone for the day. "May I help you?" I asked as I picked up the phone.

"Yes, you may, sweetie. Bring Mark a cold beer, and I'll take another glass of tea." Tracy told me over the phone.

I took the drinks out to the pool, where Tracy and Mark were both lying on their back once more. Neither one had much oil on them. Once they took their glass, Tracy said. "Stevie, you do such a wonderful job putting oil on me. Would you please do my front and work it in really good."

How could I say no? What man in his right mind could? I quickly got the bottle of tanning oil and went to work on her. I worked the oil deep into her skin, and surprisingly Tracy started moaning. Her nipples became erect, and they seemed to sparkle in the sun.

After I worked the oil into her upper body, I did the same to her legs and feet, making sure to really massage the oil into her. When I moved to her pelvis, I could see her; the Venus mound was already glistening. I knew this wasn't from any oil, as I could smell her excitement. Tracy was indeed turned on.

I worked the oil between her legs, making sure to rub her clit area as much as I dared with Mark sitting next to me. Tracy was moaning quite vocally as my finger brushed over her clit and along her velvety nether lips. Before I knew it, Tracy had a small orgasm that made her limp as a rag doll. Once she did cum I looked at Mark to see if he had noticed. I wasn't sure if he did as his face was turned toward the sun and his eyes were closed.

When I pulled away from Tracy, she looked at me through glazed eyes and said. "That was wonderful, honey; now do Mark the same way."



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