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  • 5 MED.m4a
  • 5 MED.m4a




Next, I sat down at my makeup table and started on my makeup. It took me some time and a few false starts before I got my makeup just right. I tried once more to do something about my hair, but again it was impossible. With my hair pulled back into a ponytail, I put on my maid's uniform.

Once I was dressed, I looked into the full-size mirror and marveled once more at how much like a real girl I looked. I looked far better like this than I did as a boy. As a girl, I was pretty and quite becoming. As a boy, I was nondescript and unnoticeable. As I looked into the mirror, I wondered if I could be a girl full time. After thinking about that for a short while, I shook my head to clear it, and after putting on my three-inch black pumps, I left the bedroom for the kitchen and Maria.

As I walked into the kitchen, Maria was standing at the counter cutting up fresh fruit. In my sweetest and most feminine voice, I said. "Good morning Maria."

Maria turned with a start, and I watched as her jaw just about hit the floor. Maria regained her composer quickly before saying. "Dam, when you get dolled up, you really doll up. God, Stevie, you're really pretty as a girl."

I could feel myself blush at the compliment before I asked as innocently as I could. "Do you really think I pretty know what I am? Oh, by the way, it's Stephie, not Stevie."

Maria came over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder before saying. "I guess it would have to be Stephie, wouldn't it. I'll tell you, Stephie, if my boyfriend saw you in that outfit, he would drool all over you. You turn me on, and I know what you are. My brother would be very jealous of you because he would never look that good in that outfit. Now sit and have your breakfast; Miss Tracy is waiting on hers." From that moment on, Maria always called me Stephie. She said I could never be a boy in her eyes again.

After eating my breakfast, I took Tracy's into her. She was still lying naked on the bed, and she didn't make a move to cover herself. She sat up as I placed the tray over her lap before she ran her hand up my thigh.

Tracy fingered my tucked-back cock between my legs as she said, "How is my girlfriend this morning? Maria didn't give you a hard time, did she?"

I could feel myself start to harden as I said, "I'm well, and Maria was very supportive. She said I was pretty. I want to thank you for last night. It was the most wonderful thing I did. I really hope it won't be the last time."

Tracy pulled my head down and kissed me before she said, "Honey, I can promise you that will not be the last time your sissy ass is full of cock in this house. I'm sure you'll get a daily dose of it. Now be a sweet sissy maid and hand me my phone before you start my bathwater."

Once her bath was filled and her enema was ready, I went back to the bedroom to help her out of bed. Tracy had already finished her breakfast and was talking on the phone.

As I entered the room, she finished her conversation and hung up the phone before saying to me. "You're in luck. Fredrick can see you at noon. He's the best, and he is my hairstylist. We'll have to leave right after my bath. I told Maria she could leave, and we'll eat out tonight before we come home."

"What should I wear? My normal clothes aren't good enough to go out to eat." I asked as I followed behind her on the way to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I'll pick you something to wear after my bath," Tracy told me before she inserted the enema nozzle into her rectum. Once she had the nozzle in her, I knew there was no use asking questions until she was out of the tub.

While she was soaking, I went into the bedroom and changed the bed linen. I took the dirty linen plus three other sets from the previous days to the washer. I hadn't done any wash as yet, and I knew I was going to get way behind if I didn't get started.

When I came back to the bathroom, Tracy was ready to get out. Once I rubbed moisturizer into her luscious body, she went in to get dressed while I cleaned the bedroom.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I found Tracy sitting at her makeup table. She was already dressed, but on the bed, I saw another outfit. It was the plaid skirt and the white sweater she bought me the day before. There was also a white corset bra and panties, a pair of white knee-length socks, and patent leather Mary Janes with a two-inch heel.

Once I saw the clothes, I knew they were for me, so I asked though my voice sounded like a shrill. "You want me to dress as a girl to go out?"

Tracy giggled at my voice and said, "Of cause sweetie. After all, we're getting you a hairstyle meant for a girl. I'm also having your nails replaced for some really good ones. You're having a facial and a pedicure. If you do all those things dressed as a boy, you'll get some really strange looks and quite a bit of teasing. Dressed as a girl, no one will know you're a boy, and nothing will be said. Now hurry and get dressed."

It didn't take me long to get dressed, with the exception of my corset, as we had to tighten up the drawstring. Once I was dressed, Tracy handed me a purse, which I put in my lip-gloss, a compact perfume, and my ID that I hoped I would never need as it had my boy picture and information on it.

Tracy drove out of the hills and into the city to one of the big malls. On the way, she asked, "Are you nervous, sweetie?"

"Of cause I am. I never went anywhere dressed like this," I told her.

Tracy placed her hand on my exposed thigh and said, "Believe me, sweetie, no one will ever know your not what you appear to be. Unless they look up your skirt and with your little dick, they might not even see that."

"It's not that small, you know," I told her defensively.

Tracy giggled and said, "I'm sorry, it isn't that small, but I'm used to ones that are a lot bigger. This is nothing against you, but yours is the smallest I ever had in me, though I did enjoy it. Now don't worry about anything; you'll do fine, and no one will know." I didn't have time to worry as we pulled into the mall just after that conversation.

We walked through the mall and stopped at a jewelry store. We went inside, where Tracy looked at several pairs of earrings before telling the women behind the counter, "I'll take this pair and a pair of starter posts. My friend here wants her ears pierced with both sets."

Without asking me if I wanted them, the women came from behind the counter with a gun-like device and pierced each earlobe twice. Tracy also bought a woman watch for me, so I knew what time it was. I had to stop wearing my old one, as it was too masculine for my clothes.

We next went to the salon where I had my appointment. Fredrick was just what I expected. He was a tall, skinny man with a feminine quality about him; there was no doubt that he was pretty gay and awfully proud of it. He floated about me as he discussed with Tracy what to do with my hair. A few minutes later, I was sent to the back with another girl to have my hair washed while Tracy and Fredrick continued to talk.

Once my hair had washed, another girl took me and sat me in a chair where she started curling my hair into rollers. She then applied an ammonia-smelling liquid to the rollers before leaving me in the care of the nail technician.

She stripped my nails clean then started putting on different nail extensions. At the same time, another girl came over and removed my makeup before applying a facial mask to my face.

While the mask was drying, the girl that put my hair in curlers came back to wash my hair once more. Again my hair was curled before I was told to sit under a hairdryer. By the time my hair was dried, my facial mask was peeled off, and my fingernails and my toenails had several coats of polish.

I was already in the salon for two hours now; finally, I was being taken to Fredrick to have my hair styled. Fredrick chatted on and on about how friendly Tracy was to get me the complete treatment. He made sure to let me know that Tracy was spending well over five hundred dollars on me. I was amazed by the sum.

"Yes, Sweetie, I don't work cheaply," He told me with a wave of his limp wrist. "Well, not anymore, mind you, but there was a time I'd cut anyone's hair for a few dollars."

Fredrick went on to tell me all the famous and rich people he cut and a few of their secrets. Once my hair was cut, he sat on a stool and went to work on my makeup.

While he was working on my lips, he realized what I was and said. "My, that's a surprise, sweetie. I would never have guessed. Don't worry, you cutie little thing. I won't tell Tracy your really a boy, but you might want to wear something to hide your Adam's apple. It's not that noticeable, but anyone who's looking could spot it."

Fredrick continued on with my makeup as if nothing was out of the ordinary. When he was done, He stood me in front of a mirror and asked what I thought. My hair was now a mass of curls, and though it was still long, it looked like I had twice the hair I did before.

"Thank you. You made me look wonderful." I told him.

Fredrick slid his hand around my shoulders and said. "Your welcome, sweetie. Now all you need to do is wash it every day and dry it on the cool setting of a blow-dry as you brush it. It should snap right back into place." He then whispered into my ear, "If you need to be a boy again, just moose it down real good and comb it back. Now let us see what Tracy thinks."

It was now four in the afternoon, well over four hours since I entered the salon. Tracy was sitting in one of the waiting chairs. As she looked up at me, she smiled broadly before getting to her feet.

She came to me and kissed me before saying, "My, you look wonderful." To Fredrick, she said. "She looks wonderful; you've done a beautiful job on her."

"Your too kind, Tracy. She had a beautiful head of hair to work with. Bring her back the next time you come. Now, if you two ladies will excuse me, I need to get back to my other customers."

Once Tracy and I were out of the salon, She turned to me and asked, "Well did anyone figure you out? You do look lovely, by the way."

"Only Fredrick. He saw my Adam's apple and knew I was a boy." I told her, feeling slightly disappointed.

Tracy took my hand and said, "He's the only one I thought would figure you out. I knew the others wouldn't. I knew Fredrick had seen his share of she-males before you and knew what to look for. Did he notice right off?"

"Not really; he didn't notice it till he was all almost done with my makeup. In fact, he looked quite surprised." I told her.

Tracy smiled down at me and said, "See, he barely realized you were a boy. I told you no one would know. Fredrick would know because he's used to looking for little flaws, but no one else did."

Tracy and I went through the mall and stopped at a few stores before we left. She bought a few outfits for me as well as herself and one or two things for Mark. We then stopped at a restaurant for dinner before going home. We made love that night like we did the night before, only this time it was better than any other night. Why it was better, I don't know; maybe it was because I knew what was going to happen, and I anticipated it. All I know is I came like a rocket. This time I didn't pass out after, so Tracy and I talked after we were done.

"You know things will be different after Mark comes home on Friday," Tracy told me as she held me in her arms.

I knew it would, but I really didn't want to hear about it. I buried my face in her neck as I said. "I know it will. Does that mean we can't make love to each other anymore?"

Tracy ran her finger through my hair and said. "It will be different; that's all I can say for now." Nothing more was said on the subject. We simply held each other and kissed till I fell asleep in her arms.

Thursday wasn't much different than any other day that week. After Tracy had her bath and was dressed, she went off to do whatever she did when she left the house. I stayed behind, took care of the cleaning, and got caught up on some of the wash.

Maria was a little different that day. She seemed to constantly tease me throughout the day. Any time I wasn't looking, she would sneak up on me and pinch my bottom. One time she even tried to hump me from behind. It was all done in fun, so I didn't think anything of it. I even pinched her a few times when I caught her unaware.

Thursday night would be the last night Tracy and I could enjoy each other. Both of us knew it would be the last time we could be intimate for a few weeks. We made slow passionate love for a few hours before we fell into an exhausted sleep.



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