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A short story by - Julia Miller

My name was Thomas Anderson.  I don’t know if you will believe me, but it’s been almost six months now, and I still don’t believe it myself, even when I look at the mirror.  That woman that looks back at me can’t be me.

My story began back in 2019.  I was happily married for 18 years to my beautiful wife, Trudy, and had two lovely daughters, Cindy, 16, and Penny, 17 years old.  Everything was great in my life, I had a wonderful family, good friends, happy at work, but this was only the beginning of my trouble.

I must first state that all the personal names, company names, and places in this story are fictitious.  I don’t want to be sued under a non-disclosure agreement that I may or may not have signed. This story may be a work of fiction and may not have happened to me since I might find myself open to a corporate lawsuit if I was telling the truth.  Now with the legalese out of the way, I will continue with my story.

I think it started with a gift in the mail.  Someone had sent me a free “23 and Me” genetic testing kit, and when I asked my family and friends about it, no one said they had sent it to me.  I looked in the kit, and there were a couple of test tubes and instructions on how to swab my cheek and send the test tubes back for my DNA test, as well as an application I had to fill out and sign.  I figured it was free and wouldn’t hurt, so I returned it in the mail.  I later received confirmation from 23 and me and logged into their system to see my results.  I had no genetic abnormalities and found that I had a German and English heritage.   No big deal, right?  I thought this was cool and got my wife one of these kits.  But when we got one for her, I noticed that she only had one test tube in her kit, and I saw the return envelope for her test tube went to a different address.  I noticed this since I remembered the envelope I returned in the mail went to Framingham, MA, and hers went to a completely different state.  I just figured maybe they had a new testing lab now and didn’t worry about it.

About a month after receiving the DNA results from “23 and Me”, I received a letter in the mail.  I opened it, and it was from a company calling themselves Gene-Tech Research Associates.  The company’s name was one I had never heard of, and I looked it up on the web.  They had a web page and said they were advancing the human genome study, and not much else other than I noticed they had a research lab in Framingham, MA.  That was the same address to which I had returned my testing kit.  Was that a coincidence?

Inside the envelope was a letter asking me if I would agree to partake in a clinical trial of a new drug this company was developing.   They chose me for this drug trial due to my genetic profile.  I would also take blood tests, and the drug would be administered in three separate doses, one month apart.  They would also compensate me for my time and would pay me $3000 for my trouble.  If I was interested, there was a 1-800 number I could call for more information.

I was curious, so I called the number up and listened to a recorded greeting from Gene-Tech, and there were a few clicks, and then a female voice said, “Hello Mr. Anderson, how are you today?”

I was astounded they knew my name from my cell phone number but answered back.  “I am fine, and who are you?”

“I am Dr. Sydney Stafford, one of the scientists working at Gene-Tech.  I take it that you are calling us back regarding our drug study research trial”.

I confirmed, and she said, “Good.  Are you interested in helping us advance science?  We will pay you for your time.  We are testing a new revolutionary drug, and we require volunteers for a large clinical study on how effective it is. If you are interested, I can send you the information on how you can take part”.

“Firstly, how did you obtain my genetic profile?”

“You had sent us your test kit in the mail.”

“ I didn’t give consent for this test to you.”

“You did when you signed the application you sent back to us.”

“How much money are we talking about here?”

She told me that there would be three shots, and they would all be one month apart.  “And we will pay you $1000 for each injection you take.”

I thought about it and said, “Can anything you inject into me be hazardous to my health?”

She said, “I can’t say with 100% certainty, but it’s as safe as any current drug available.”

“What does this drug do?”

“I am afraid I can’t tell you; the purpose of this drug at present is classified. All I can say to you is this drug shouldn’t hurt you in any way, and it may also improve your immune response by using a revolutionary means of transporting genetic information to your body.”

I told her I would do it, and she sent me an email outlining where I would go to receive the drug shots.

Well, over the next three months, I received these three shots, and I had no side effects, nothing at all.   They took blood samples before each injection and a blood sample a month after the last shot.  I was beginning to think I had received a placebo since I didn’t have any reaction to the drug at all.  I received a check for $3000 in the mail with a note telling me they would contact me at a future date if need be.

Then Covid-19 hit us all in March 2020, and there were lockdowns everywhere.  I was working from home, along with my wife and our kids were also home from school-one big happy family.   We survived the initial lockdown and continued along with our lives.  I suffered no ill effects from the drug trial and forgot all about it.

We survived all the problems Covid dealt us, we stayed safe, and no one in our family caught the virus.  I worked from home for pretty well the whole year, and Trudy was in the same boat.  Our kids stayed out of school,  and did summer vacation, and stayed at home in the fall as well.  We just tried to stay out of everyone’s way at home and gave each other as much space as we could.

I installed Gig fiber internet in our home, so no one would complain about a slow connection when we were all online during the day.  It worked out well, we had a ton of bandwidth, and everyone loved it.

We survived the waves in the fall and winter.  The new year, 2021, rolled around, and the Covid vaccines became available in my area in the spring.  I went out with my wife, and we both received our first dose of the new Pfizer vaccine.  We went home, and the next day, I felt terrible; my wife was a little tired, but nothing like me.  I had aches and pains and was running a slight fever.  I had to call in sick and stayed in bed for a week since I could not function.  My fever finally broke, and I started feeling better.  I looked online, and what I had experienced was noted in a tiny percentage of people.  I couldn’t believe how badly the covid vaccine made me feel.  I was glad if this was only the covid vaccine; if I had gotten covid, it would have probably killed me.

Twenty-one days later, it was time for us to take the second dose of the vaccine; I was naturally hesitant, but we went in anyway, and we both received our second shots.  If I felt awful from the first dose, the second shot almost killed me.  I was incapacitated in bed for ten days, with a fever, and every joint and muscle in my body ached.  I had no appetite and lost about 20 pounds. I couldn’t eat; all I could do was drink a little water.  My wife felt down as well, but nowhere near as bad I was feeling.

After I began to feel better again, I noticed that my nipples were very sore, and I was having trouble getting an erection during sex.  I made a note to visit my doctor to talk to him about it.  I went in to see him, and he gave me a prescription for viagra to see if this would help me.  It worked a little, but I still was unable to keep an erection very long during sex.  I apologized to my wife, telling her I wasn’t yet sure what my problem was, but it most certainly wasn’t her.  She was still as sexy as ever.

A month later, I received a phone call from Gene-Tech.  It was Dr. Stafford, and she asked me if I had received the Covid vaccine, and I told her I had received the second shot a month ago.  There was a long silence on the phone.  Dr. Stafford said that she would come over to my home to visit since she had some things to tell me that she couldn’t say over the phone.  We agreed she would see me tomorrow.

I looked at my wife after I had hung up the phone, and she asked, “Why do you look so worried?”

I told her that I wasn’t sure, but it was Gene-Tech, and they had asked me if I had received the Covid vaccine, and I told her I had two doses now.

The next day, the doorbell rang, and a beautiful woman was standing on my porch, wearing a medical mask.  She told me she was Dr. Stafford, and I invited her in.

“So, what is this all about, doctor?”

She replied, “We had recently started getting reports from people who were on their vaccine trial, who had also received the covid vaccine, and there were some developments I had to make you aware of.”

“It seems all the men in this trial who got the Pfizer or Moderna covid vaccine had severe reactions from the vaccine, and everyone was bedridden after each shot. Was this your experience?”

I nodded and said, “Yes.”

We sat down in the living room, and she told me how sorry she was, and no one knew this would happen or even why it was happening.  It seemed the drug they were developing had a severe interaction with the covid vaccine I had taken, and it created a powerful effect on a male if these drugs were mixed.

“But it’s just a vaccine and should only affect my immunity.”

She said, “In theory, yes, but the covid vaccine and our drug together had created something new, and this new compound would start to rewrite your DNA.”

“What? How?”

“We don’t yet know why, but in our male subjects, it seems their chromosomes are changing from XY to XX.  This change is only occurring in males; females seem to be unaffected.  Since every male in our trial who received a covid vaccine has started to change into a  female, I don’t think you will be any different.  I am here to take some blood samples and run tests on you to confirm this.”

She drew the blood samples from me.

I was still in a bit of shock with this news and asked her, “What are the implications?”

“You have probably heard of transgender people.  If a man is a transgender woman, he will usually go on testosterone blockers and female hormones to transition to a body resembling a woman.   It seems that your body is doing this for you already.  Have you noticed a decreased libido?”

“Ah, yes, I have had a low libido and erectile dysfunction as well.”

“How about your testicles and scrotum?  Have they gotten smaller or disappeared?”

“I’m not sure of that.  “Can I go the bathroom and check?  I will be right back”.

I went to the bathroom, pulled down my drawers, and felt for my boys, but they weren’t there.  I had an empty scrotum. Not only that, but my scrotum seemed to be disappearing into my body like it was sucking it back in.  My penis shaft was but a nub now, I was amazed how much it had shrunk, and I had only received the second vaccine shot a month ago.  At that point, I took off my shirt, as my nipples had been a little sore lately, and when I looked in the mirror, I noticed my nipples were swollen, and my breasts had started to get noticeably larger.  I felt a bit faint and sat on the toilet to regain my composure.  Once my head cleared, I put my clothes back on and rejoined them in the living room. I was beginning to believe her. As soon as I looked at my wife, she knew and responded with a pained look on her face.  I sat down and told the doctor of my findings, that my testicles seemed to have disappeared and I was growing breasts as well.

“What can I do about this doctor?”

“I am afraid we can’t do anything for you at this point, but we want to bring you in for more testing as well as an MRI, as we have found that our male subjects are developing a reproductive system internally.  I am truly sorry that this has happened to you, and we are still trying to figure out why all the men in our study are turning into women.  We will be compensating you and your family for your loss with payment of ten million dollars since this was not your fault”.

I sat down and thought about this for a minute.  I was changing into a woman, and there was nothing I could do to stop it at this point.  My body was now hell-bent on becoming female.  I then thought about the implications.  This company had a proven method to change men into women, and I wondered how many billions this was worth?

I replied, “Ten million is not enough, and considering how many billions you will be making from this discovery, I think that one hundred million tax-free is closer to my number to keep quiet about all of this.”

She smiled at me and said, “Our lawyers will be in touch with you.  She got up and shook my and my wife’s hand and left our home”.

A week later, I received a registered letter in the mail.  The lawyers from Gene-Tech agreed to my price of one hundred million dollars, tax-free if I signed the agreement, which included a non-disclosure agreement.  I could never tell anyone what happened to me, but I would never have to work again for the rest of my life.

I showed the agreement to my wife, and after we discussed it, there was no reason to try and sue for any more money, though I had felt they had caved in too easily to my demand for more money.  Either way, I was going to become a woman regardless.  Maybe a hundred million wasn’t enough money, but damn, it was sure close.

By now,  the summer was almost over. I had gone in for more bloodwork and the MRI, and it was confirmed, I was internally a female.  I still had the skeleton of a male; that wouldn’t change.  But I noticed my skin was softer, I had much less body hair growth, and I didn’t need to shave much anymore. And the hair on my head was growing out like gangbusters.  My breasts had become much more prominent; they were C-cups now.  My hips had ballooned by four inches, as well as my waist was two inches smaller.  I was 5’10”, not tall for a man, but at the top height for most women.  My feet and hands were also smaller.  I dropped a couple of shoe sizes, and my glove size went from large to medium.  Then there were also the psychological aspects of becoming a woman.  My emotional state had increased by a factor of at least 10. I would cry or laugh at the drop of a hat and sometimes would giggle uncontrollably.  For someone who was formerly the definition of stoic, this was out of my comfort zone.

The doctors at Gen-Tech also confirmed that I now had a new vagina behind what remained of my scrotum, and I also had a new opening where I would now pee. My penis had shrunk to a nub and but it was still much larger than a typical clitoris and now had a little hood above it.  The Gen-Tech doctors told me they would operate on my scrotum to open my vagina and “adjust” my penis into a clitoris.

I had this operation, and when I healed it, I looked just like my wife down there.

Within three months, I had changed from a man into a woman. None of my male clothes fit me anymore except for some t-shirts, but camisoles felt so much better.  I gave all my old clothes to charity.

My wife Trudy and I went on several shopping sprees to buy me a new wardrobe, soon wearing women’s clothing full time.  I couldn’t call myself Thomas anymore, so I decided to go with Tammy.  Trudy liked it as well, so Tammy it was.   I was worried that Trudy would want a divorce, and I told her that I wouldn’t stop her if it were her desire, but she found out that she was bisexual since she loved exploring my new body when we were in bed together.

My daughters Cindy and Penny both loved their new mom as well.  I did feel sad that I was no longer a father to them, but I was happy they accepted me as their new mother.

I had quit my job since I didn’t need to work, and Trudy also quit her job.  On the one hand, it was like I had won the lottery.  But the price was I would never be a man again.  I was worried that I would develop gender dysphoria over becoming a woman, but the weird thing for me, as I had just accepted my fate and didn’t dwell on it.  I had become a beautiful woman in her early 40’s, and along with my wife, we were both still very much in love with each other.

Gene-Tech had also supplied me with a new ID, driver’s license, birth certificate, and passport.  It was like Thomas Anderson had never existed, and everything I owned was now in my new name.

When I went to bed with Trudy tonight, she said she had a surprise for me.  She made me wear a blindfold and told me to strip and lie down on the bed on my back.  I felt her fingers entering my vagina, and it felt like she was putting lube on me.  I then felt something significant push into me, and I just said, “OH!”

I had to pull off the blindfold; Trudy had an evil grin on her face and was wearing a strap-on dildo, and was pumping me hard.  I was getting this wonderful feeling rising from my vagina, and then she tweaked on my nipples, and the combination made me orgasm.  I had just experienced my first orgasm as a woman. Oh, God!  It was great and so much different from what I remembered.  I thought a male orgasm was great, but this was mind-blowing.  We always used a strap-on during sex, and we would take turns plowing into each other from that point on.

I hadn’t yet told my family about this, and my mother’s birthday was coming up in August.  I called everyone in my family and told them I had a life-changing announcement to make at Mom’s birthday, and I would make it worth their while if they all showed up at my parents’ place.

Now this drug didn’t change my skeleton, nor did it change my voice.  Gene-Tech could operate on my vocal cords, but for now, I would just be working with voice lessons and could still talk in my old voice as well.  Gene-tech was also willing to give me facial feminization surgery to look a little less masculine, skeleton-wise.  I told them I would do it, but not until next year.

On my mom’s birthday weekend, we drove over to my parents with the kids in my new Porsche Cayenne and soon made it there.  We walked up to the door, and my dad opened it to see Trudy and me with our kids.

He looked at me quizically and then asked Trudy, where’s Thomas?

I smiled and said in my old voice, “I’m right in front of you, Dad.”  He just stood there in shock.

“What?  How?”

“Don’t worry, Dad, I will explain it to you and the whole family.  This was something that happened beyond my control, and I was stuck being a woman now, though I had to admit, it wasn’t that bad”.

My siblings were likewise amazed at my new appearance.  My older brother said, “Damn girl, you are one hot chick.  I never knew you would make such a beautiful woman”.

After everyone had something to drink, I told them my story, including that I couldn’t tell them the company’s real name.  The drug they had injected into me and the covid vaccine together changed me into a woman.  After I finished my tale, they just sat silently and looked at me.

“Wow,” said my older brother, “And there is no going back.”

“Nope, it’s a one-way trip.  Not only that, but I could also get knocked up.  Reproductively, I am the equivalent of an 18-year-old woman, even though I am in my 40’s now.  This drug only changed men into women, but women stayed women”.

“And now for the best part, if you can call it that.  I was able to get a 100-million-dollar tax-free settlement out of it, so today, I am giving each of you a million dollars to spend however you like”.

Then the party started.  We had a lot of fun, and I danced with my brothers, and we had a great thanksgiving.

The following weekend, we went over to my wife’s parents, and I gave the same story to her side of the family.   They all received checks as well since I wasn’t about to play favorites.

As soon as I had received the money from Gene-Tech, I had invested it not only in the stock market, but I bought shares in Gene-Tech as well.  This drug was never made public,  but their shares increased in value very quickly in 2021, and by the fall of the year, I had almost doubled my investments.

So here I am.  It’s September 2021, and my family is vacationing at a high-end beach resort in Hawaii.  We flew here in a private jet.  I will no longer work for the rest of my life since I have more money than I will ever spend.

Sure, I am no longer a guy or a husband or father now, and I miss my male privilege, and guys do mansplain things to me all the time.  But otherwise, life is sweet.  I had to quit seeing my old male friends, though, as it seemed I was too sexy for their wives to handle, and none of my friends were allowed to see me anymore. But I am great friends with all the girls I used to work with and my wife’s girlfriends; they all love me now.

I looked at the stock market, and Gene-Tech stock has gone up 10-fold since January 2021.  I sometimes think of the military implications if an army was infected or male prisoners forced to take these drugs.  I have not heard anything in the news about this drug, and though it would have implications for transgender women, it seems this drug doesn’t exist officially.

Trudy and I are having the time of our lives, even if I am now her wife. My kids have never loved me more.  It’s all girls in our house, and we always have a ball.

So, this is my story.  You can believe this happened to me, or you can think whatever you like and go back to your life.  It doesn’t bother me.



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