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Alex had tried to stay positive about his growing feelings for Jake and the shrinking ones for his actual girlfriend.

He had a few more hours before Kaitlin would eventually return and he decided it would be for the best if he'd go for a run.

He quickly changed and left his house, starting to run his usual round. Time passed and he was almost done when he noticed that he had been a lot faster than normal. The anger inside of him must've been the cause of this and he decided that he would stretch first, then take his sweet time on the way back home.

After another twenty minutes, he started walking back, thinking about how to approach the topic 'breaking up'. Should he just go straight forward or should he first greet her and play along a bit?

When he finally got home and hopped under the shower, he still didn't know what to do. A part of him was hoping that Kaitlin wouldn't show up in the first place but that was just unrealistic. Maybe she would break up with him and just leave? He wouldn't be the bad guy in the story then.

Taking a look at the time, he quickly rinsed off the shampoo and turned off the water, drying himself with a towel before stepping out of the shower and dressing.

Just in time, because the door opened when he put on his hoodie. With a last sigh, he walked down the stairs, ready to face his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.

'Hey, he said and Kaitlin just nodded at him.

'We need to talk', she then said at the same time as Alex, which made him feel hopeful. Maybe Kaitlin would really break up with him.

'Yeah, we do', Alex said and sat down on the couch, Kaitlin doing the same.

'Look, I've been gone now for a little more than a week and it was enough for me to realize something.'

'Yes, I've been thinking too and I think it would be for the best if we'd break up', Alex just blurted out.

'What?', Kaitlin asked shocked, 'I wanted to say that I think we should give our relationship another shot and that I realized that I've overreacted with the whole Jake thing.'

'Oh', the drummer smartly said, but at least he said what he wanted to say.

'Yes, oh. I guess I haven't overreacted then', Kaitlin said and stood up.

Alex didn't stop her as she got her things out of their drawer. Alex didn't stop her as she got the small things, laying around the house that belonged to her. Alex didn't stop her as she grabbed her suitcase and he didn't stop her as she left.

'Crystal?', a small voice asked as the lilac-haired girl picked up the phone.

'Hey Ash, are you okay?'

'I don't know. I broke up with Kaitlin and. I think Jake and I had something just a few days before, he explained, making Crystal furrow her eyebrows.

'What do you mean, you think and why did you two see each other?'

'Jake showed up at my house one night and he was really drunk. Things just got a little out of hand..' Crystal took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose before speaking.

'For god's sake, Alex. Did you know, sleep with each other?' 'No, no. I stopped Jake. He wanted it and pushed but I couldn't do it' 'That's good Ash, that's good. Did anything else happen?'

'Uhm I'm not sure. We went out one night and we were both drunk but we woke up fully clothed and stuff. That was probably a dream', Alex said and Crystal nodded, even though the honey blonde couldn't see that.

'Alright, I see. That was the night, where this article about you two holding hands appeared, huh?'


That phone call was now four days in the past and it was a Sunday night. Alex couldn't sleep and kept thinking about the days he spent with his love together.

He had now two hours left before he would be driven to the airport. Their flight would go at 2:30 am and Alex couldn't tell if what he felt was excitement or something else, rather negative.

Before he could think more, his phone starting to buzz saved him from doing so.


'Hey, Ash. I'm just calling to say that you'll be picked up at 1 am already. There were some issues with our seats and they need us to be there earlier, Calum said, making Alex groan.

'Not that I slept or anything but that's in twenty minutes and I really am not ready', Alex whined and got up.

'Stop complaining. I know you love touring', the other boy replied and soon, the phone call was over.

Alex had now fifteen minutes left to get his suitcase packed.

Knowing that their team had the things they wore on stage mostly there, he threw in jeans, shorts, boxers, shirts, hoodies, socks, and his hygiene products like shower gel, toothbrush, and stuff.

Checking his appearance once more in the mirror, he put on another hoodie, this time a red one, and got a beanie to cover the mess that was his hair.

Five minutes later, he got picked by one of their bodyguards. Not being surprised by being greeted by Jake in the van, he said hello and got in. Jake was the one living the closest to Alex which was why they were always picked up together.

'Ash?' 'Yeah?' 'You said that makeup would look okay on me too, right?' Alex had to smile at the boy being so unsure.

'It would look great on you Jakey', Alex corrected the blonde who immediately started to blush at the hidden compliment.

'Thanks well, Sierra and I looked up a few things and I asked the management if I could try out a bit and they said yes.'

'Aww, that's great', Alex said with a wide range of emotions. He was proud of Jake but he wanted to be the one who goes through those things with Jake, not Sierra.

'And you don't think that it would be too girly?'

'No Jake. Make-up can be manly too and you'll make it work, I'm sure', Alex replied. Before Jake could respond, they arrived at the airport.

'Where is Sierra anyway?', Alex asked as they walked into the back of the airport. There were not that many fans waiting for them but they sadly had no time to talk to them. The boys loved interacting with them and making them happy with photos and autographs. Sadly, they couldn't do that often.

'She wanted to stay home. Our friend can't look after Petunia anymore and we don't want her to be alone or having her get used to different surroundings again', Jake explained and Alex nodded.

'What about Kaitlin? Did you do it?'

'Yeah. I broke up with her the day she came back, Alex admitted, and was thrown off guard when Jake hugged him.

'I'm glad you did. We'll find someone better for you and for now', Jake said and held Alex on his shoulders at arm's length, 'I'm here for you like always.' The butterflies in Alex's stomach liked what Jake said and started to fly around in excitement. His cheeks gave away his admiration too, because they turned red and hot.

'Oh, don't be ashamed of me', Jake joked and put an arm around his friend's shoulders. They walked the rest of the way towards their gate and were soon met by Michael, Crystal, and Calum.

They all greeted each other with hugs and started to chat about the past three weeks. Jake and Alex were rather quiet during that but no one seemed to notice except for Crystal. The girl with the colorful hair didn't say anything though.

'Jake! Did you hear that? Our Cal-Pal finally met someone', Michael's voice snapped the blonde out of his thoughts.

'Really? Sorry, I'm too tired', Jake apologized and leaned forward.

'Yeah, she's great. I met her in the first week already and we spent a good amount of the break together, Calum told his friends. 'What is she like?' 'Oh, you'll like her too. She's very kind, funny, caring and she loves Duke.' 'Who doesn't?', Crystal asked, making everyone laugh. 'Got a picture?', Jake asked curiously, wanting to know what the mysterious girl looked like.

'No, but I can describe her. She has short hair, like really short. Pixie cut short and she dyes it just as often as Mike. It's currently a light blue and it matches her blue eyes so well.' It was obvious that Calum had fallen for the girl already and everyone was equally excited to meet her.

'Ah, guys. Before we meet. uh. what's her name?'

'Aarany', Calum quickly replied.

'Alright, what a unique name. Before we meet Aarany, I wanted to say that I broke up with Kaitlin.'

'Finally', Michael blurted out and earned a kick from Jake.

'Sorry, but no one really liked her. She was always so negative', Michael explained himself and received a few 'yes' and 'I agree'.

'Yeah, I know. I'm glad, she's out of the picture now.'

The flight went without further problems after the already existing ones were solved.

The boys and Crystal had continued talking about the break and soon landed in the first city of their tour.

When they arrived at the hotel, it was already 9 am and everyone immediately went to bed.

While Crystal, Michael, and Calum were sound asleep, Jake and Alex had their troubles.

Alex still couldn't stop thinking about the blonde boy who on the other hand just didn't like being alone in hotel rooms.

'Should I?', Jake questioned himself as he walked up and down his mom. Usually, he would just go to Alex without thinking twice but he didn't want the drummer to think, that he was clingy.

Another five minutes passed and Jake decided to just text his friend and see whether he was awake or not.

Almost immediately, he received an answer, saying that Alex was awake and asking if something was wrong.

'Tired but can't sleep. A little confused maybe; he told the drummer and sat down on the white sheets of the bed.

'Coming; Alex replied which made Jake smile. It was great to know that his friend was always there for him.

Since their rooms were pretty close, Alex soon knocked. Jake got up and opened the door, revealing a tired-looking Alex.

'Hey', he mumbled but Jake just pulled him into a hug, closing the door behind them.

'What's wrong?'

'Nothing, I'm just thankful that you're here', Jake whispered, still hugging him. Alex wrapped his arms around his love and held the boy close, enjoying the embrace.

'You know how much you mean to me, right?', Alex suddenly asked but Jake didn't seem fazed by the question.

'I think I do', he answered truthfully and let go of the boy, grabbing his hand and guiding him towards the huge bed.


'Cuddle', Alex answered and caressed Jake's cheek.

'I wish you knew how beautiful you are', the older boy said, making Jake blush. They both laid down, facing each other.

'I wish you knew how amazing you are', Jake now said and put his hand on Alex's.

'I have to tell you something.' 'You can tell me everything', Jake said and scooted a little closer. 'Would you mind if I wouldn't only like girls?'

'No, not at all. Why should I mind?' Alex looked at Jake with surprise. He knew that Jake was very accepting and open-minded but he didn't seem surprised or anything that Alex liked boys too.

'God, you're perfect, babycakes', the older boy mumbled and pulled Jake close, wrapping his arms around the boy and resting his chin on the guitarist's head. Jake giggled at that and hugged his best friend back, closing his eyes at the same time.

Soon, Alex could hear soft snores coming from Jake and he couldn't help but smile and wish that it would be like that every night. Maybe he could have Jake close at least at night, while they were on tour.

'I love you babycakes. I wish I could tell you that every morning and every night. I wish you'd be mine', Alex whispered.

Loud knocks on the door woke the boys up, hours later. Alex stood up to open the door, letting Jake cuddle one of the pillows a little longer.


'I'm looking for Jake. Is he here?', the girl asked. She was one of their new stylists, who Alex didn't know that well yet.

'Yes he is, Alex answered and turned around to face the bed

'Jake? Come here please.' Groans were heard and soon, a very sleepy but happy-looking Jake clung onto Alex again.

'Good Morning. I need you to come with me because we need to talk about the makeup that we planned on doing tonight', the girl explained and the guitarist's eyes lit up in excitement.

'Oh yeah, awesome. I'll be out in a minute, he said and disappeared into the bathroom.

'You can come in and sit down if you want to. I'm not sure how long he'll really take, but probably longer than a minute', Alex said and the girl nodded with a smile forming on her lips.

'What's your name again?'

'Catharine', she answered and sat down on one of the four chairs that surrounded a wooden table.

'A pretty name. One of my childhood friends was named Catharine', Alex said, thinking back to his childhood when he used to play outside with his friends the whole day.

Catharine thanked Alex and shyly looked at her feet. It was obvious that she didn't expect to be alone with one of the guys that soon.

'You're doing makeup then?'

'Yeah and a little bit hair. More of a backup really', she answered and Alex nodded interestedly.

'What are you planning on doing for Jake's makeup?' Before Catharine could answer, Jake, barged into the room, silencing the girl.

'Shhh, you're not allowed to know yet. Wait and be surprised', the tall boy said and left the room with Catharine.

'Great. All alone and probably soon very bored', Alex groaned and let himself fall on the bed. The boy with the slightly curled hair thought about what he had admitted to Jake the night before. His reaction had only further proved, that he was just perfect and Alex hated it. Couldn't that boy have at least one flaw? Just one single trait that wasn't completely amazing.

Maybe chewing loudly or something? But no, he even looked like a god while he was eating and Alex could not explain how that was even possible.

Now that Jake wore his hair longer, wore makeup and nail polish, Alex just fell for him more and more. The more Jake became his true self, the more lovable he got. It was just horrible.

Alex never thought that a smile, makeup, and good manners would be the death of him, but it sure felt like it when he ran against a more than stable door because said things distracted him.

That leads him to the situation he was currently in and what could he say?

At least he got something out of it besides a bleeding nose and a badly stubbed toe, probably broken.

'Are you feeling a little better? Your head must hurt so bad.., Jake said as he looked at the boy who had his head rested on Jake's lap.

'It's fine', Alex reassured his worried friend and the cause of his emotional and now even physical pain. Has he looked at himself after they put the makeup on? It could not possibly get any worse for Alex at this point, to be honest.

'You should rest. Soundcheck will be okay without you for once too.

'Sure about that? Think about Michael and Calum, they're absolute idiots.'

'Crystal will help me, right?', Jake said and turned around for the last part.

'Right', Crystal, who leaned against the doorframe with a smile plastered on her face, answered.

'But Jake's right. You should rest a little and maybe take something for the pain', she said and Alex rolled his eyes.

'Sure morn. It's really not that bad, be fine', Alex mocked Michael's

girlfriend and got a stuck-out tongue in return.

'Hey! Jake, she stuck out her tongue at me', the drummer whined but Jake only shook his head with a laugh while running his fingers through his friend's luscious locks.

'Well deserved.'

About three hours later, Alex joined the boys backstage.

'Where's the lovesick puppy?', Michael asked with a laugh as he walked into the room.

'What?', Alex asked confused as he realized that Mike was talking about him.

'You don't have to hide your undying love for Jake', Michael explained and sat down next to Crystal who tried to desperately show Alex, that she had no idea why Michael knew.

'What are you talking about?', Alex asked, trying to be as oblivious as possible. As long as he didn't confirm anything, it wasn't true.

'Well, why else would you run against a door at the sight of Jake?'

'I just got a little carried away, okay?' Michael held up his hands in defend at that.

'Chill mate. No need to be butthurt. I was just joking', he said and for Alex's favor, they changed topic after that.

Alex couldn't concentrate on their conversation anymore. The shock from before was too present still.

When they were one after another call to their touch-up, Crystal went with Alex.

As soon as the boys were far away enough, she started rambling.

'I'm so sorry Ash but I'm 100 percent sure that I didn't let anything slip. I have no idea why Michael said that but I swear I didn't tell him or anyone, she said and Alex smiled at her.

'It's fine Crystal. I think he really was just joking. I shouldn't be so

surprised at comments like this', he said and sat down on a chair.

In a matter of minutes, he could leave again and they soon went on stage.

Alex smiled at the sight of the huge crowd cheering, clapping, and singing along to their songs that they knew by heart.

The drummer gave his best behind his drum kit and felt better than ever.

Forgetting about his feelings for the blonde that performed perfectly along with their two best friends, this night became one of his favorites.

Unfortunately, every show had to end and when they sat in the van, on their way back to the hotel to get some rest, he still felt the adrenaline rush of performing in front of thousands of people.

'Can I sleep at yours?', a timid voice asked behind Alex as he walked down the hallway.

'Sure', he answered and waited for Jake to catch up.

'Just wanna make sure that you're good. You know, because of your accident earlier', Jake explained while Alex opened the door.

'Of course because of that.'

Alex grinned and turned towards a giggling Jake.

'What other reason would I have?'

'Not because I give the best cuddles, huh?', Alex asked and picked up still giggling Jake.

'No, never', Jake said and giggled like crazy when Alex blew kisses on his exposed neck, like he always did, when he wanted to tickle him.

'Stop Ashy! I can't breathe', he laughed, making Alex only grinned but continued.

To free his hands, he walked towards the bed and let them fall onto it.

Jake decided enough was enough and turned them around, now hovering on top of Alex and pinning his hands down over his head.

'Let me catch my breath', he still laughed and looked at his friend under him who still had a huge grin on his lips.

'Stop grinning so dirty.'

'Nope', Alex answered and plopped the 'p'.

Jake only huffed and continued trying to catch his breath. What a day.



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