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The Bride and Model

Teri didn’t expect a ring that she could wear would be this special unless she had bought it to go along with the one Teri wanted to get for Patti. She does have one planned to give to Patti tomorrow on Christmas Day. All that was irrelevant now, because it was Patti who was proposing first. He had not even considered that.

He/she wanted to be the first, but right now she’s down on a knee looking up to me. I am so impressed and so in love with her. “Yes, Patti I will marry you!” Paula and Paul Draper step up welcoming Teri into the family. Patti and Teri hug and kiss. Madison and Laura, Patti’s younger and older sisters respectively, came to give Patti hugs, while asking, “Teri are you, ‘How do you like being another sister?”

Once everyone there was back to earth, Patti said, “I bet your family is wondering if we ran off to elope.”

“Oh yes, of course, I need to call my parents.” Teri for once couldn’t think straight. Her phone was in her purse which was with her coat or was it? Instead of picking up her purse, she checked through the coat pockets like Terrance would have done months ago. Not there, she turned this way and that trying to remember even what her phone even looked like.

She looks up and Mrs. Draper is holding her purse out to her. The first number she tried was Patti’s, dah! Then she was trying to decide who to call. Finally, Mrs. Draper says, “You call your parents first, they’re waiting for you and getting gray hairs by now.”

Teri finally calls and the phone rings the second time. Mrs. Carsten his mother answers, “Mom is Daddy there too? I have something to tell you both.”

“We’re both here and wanting to know what you said to Patti.”

“If you knew why didn’t you tell me she was going to propose to me? You know what I wanted.”

Teri’s Mom said, “Because she had the manners to ask the other parents. That is more than I can say for you.”

Teri whispers over the phone, “You know I’m scared of Mr. Draper. But he’s happy now.”

His Mom is losing her patience, “Will you please tell us what you said? We would like to celebrate with you. What was your answer?”

“Yes, Mom and Dad, I said yes. I can’t believe this I’m going to be her wife. You should see the ring it is the most beautiful ring. It even fits properly, Dad can you hear me I’m going to get married. What do you think of that? I’ll be your first daughter to get married.”

I hear my sisters getting impatient in the background. Hattie raises her voice to make sure I can hear her. “Are you coming home soon so we can see your ring?”

I say to my sisters, “Soon, be patient.” Then I ask my Mom, “Did you talk to Mrs. Draper about what you were thinking?”

Mom says, “We’ll talk about that after Christmas Day. You enjoy yourself and make sure you are polite and say thank you to everyone you should. I’ll hang up so you can get done there. We love you and are happy for both of you!”

The Bride and Model.

Getting away was hard to do; taking my time to say thanks to everyone and repeatedly telling Patti how much I loved her and love my ring. I was ready to leave. Paul and Paula Draper both needed persuasion that I could safely drive home. It’s just seven blocks away.

Her older sister had wanted to drive me home, saying, “Patti and I can get your car home in the morning.

I wanted to honk the car horn and announce to everyone I’m married but it was after midnight. All my family said afterward I should have. They all laugh at me that for once I’m thinking of others.

Once in the house, my coat was thrown off; I’m lifting my ring hand into Mom and Dad’s faces. Mom takes hold of my hand unless I poke someone’s eye out. Mommy and Daddy in front of me and my sisters squeezing in from both sides. Hattie said she knew I didn’t get the ring before church services. Because she hadn’t heard from any of our friends from that church.

“Mommy is this one of the reasons you guided me to get the diamond ring we did?” Mom reminded me that after we opened presents in the morning we were going to our grandparents. She told me Grandma Carsten’s would be going with us. “You make sure you introduce Patti to everyone and don’t go walking away leaving her standing alone. You can give her your ring for her either here or wait and present it to her there.”

“Mom, am I actually going to be her wife and she mine? I wasn’t sure, but I won’t look like a husband.”

Dad makes fun of me. “You have made decision after decision to become a woman. Are you going to go and change that because it seems strange you can be a wife?”

Mom says, “The strange part if you, she becomes pregnant with your seed you will also be the father of any children. Another interesting thought is if you would carry one of her eggs to term, you could also be a mother.”

I’m wondering if Patti had told my Mom that we had actually talked about that. We even had talked to Dr. Michele about it.

I was too wound up to fall asleep as Hattie and Leah finally pull me upstairs so we could visit. Hattie quickly reminded me, “Remember once when we were imagining being models. I fell in love with one of the men protecting us like in the movie with Whitney Huston.” She said, “It was me who was to get married. We said you could pretend to be a bridesmaid, but it wasn’t realistic for you to be the bride.”

Leah says, “I’m the oldest, you’re not to be getting married before me.”

The truth is Hattie and I would have to wait until school is over in May to officially graduate in the spring with our class. We both took a light schedule of three college classes during the second semester.

Proposing to Patti at our grandparents before all our family was very special for Patti and me and especially my grandparents. Mom took plenty of pictures, whiles some of the relatives said we were too young. There were one set of cousins and their parents who didn’t say anything; they were sure I was on the road to perdition. They were nice enough to Patti saying they’d be praying for her. Thankfully Patti didn’t quite catch their meaning. I was going to tell them what I thought about them. Dad, however, stopped me and said he would do that after the holidays.

It was the day after Christmas that both our parents sat down with us. Well, it was actually our moms as our fathers went off to get something they needed for a project. Patti had informed me that she agreed the idea of each of us living with the other family was a good idea. She did put her foot down and told them it would only be two months at each house. I would move in with her family after New Year’s Day. We’d live with my folks in March and April.

I wanted to be married in May or right after graduation. Patti said the Saturday of Labor Day weekend in September. Hattie, not Leah, would be my Maid of Honor had to be Hattie. Patti chose her older sister Laura to be her Matron of Honor as she was already married.

I guess our dads had gone to get needed supplies to redo the guest room for me and to put in another bathroom. Patti and I were volunteered for plastering seams and painting the rooms. All the Drapers were happy about the new bathroom.

It was strange living with the Drapers. I had only eaten with them a few times before. Patti disagreed with me that my mom was the better cook. I practiced cooking eggs the way her mother did for her. It took me a while to come close. I learned to prepare three regular meals that were her favorites as well as two homemade soups.

I had gotten neater in taking care of my clothes as Teri, but I guess I had become kind of sloppy again. Mrs. Draper quickly broke me of that habit. I even learned how to wash and take care of Patti’s delicate clothes. The only time I was allowed to go into Patti’s room unannounced was to put clean clothes away or to change her bed with fresh sheets.

I was glad that I had four times away to model. Plus a meeting with Lisa to plan the fashion event the following March. And looking at wedding gown designs.

Patti got to travel with me twice. Once when Mrs. Draper came and once with Leah and Laura escorting us. One night with our sisters we did get to be together. It was great having time to be intimate again. Patti and I had both been taking precautions so we would not be having a baby before we were getting married.

When we got married Dr. Michele Dorft would become our GYN and general doctor. We felt more assured that her office handled things more confidentiality. Dr. Dorft had harvested my semen and sperm twice more, saying there was enough sperm to possibly impregnate Patti. That was not the case when I went back the week of the Super Bowl.

When Patti and I went to North Carolina for a meeting; we also met with specialists about how to remain good lovers. Patti and I had decided that after next Christmas and the New Year. I would be transitioning to be completely a female. True, I wouldn’t be able to have my own baby. But in time, as soon as a year later it was decided I could carry one of Patti’s eggs to term.

Since we were both still technically high school students I could go to the prom as Patti’s date. We first went looking for prom dresses with her mother and Patti’s sisters. Madison would be invited to the prom, she too was looking for a dress. Madison had found the dress she wanted. Patti and I decided to wait and look more.

Both our Moms went shopping with us in the Twin Cities at the Mall of America. Attie and I were the Slade Sisters and part of a fashion show at the mall. This time however we were two of the marquee names showing the fanciest of gowns, mostly from our corporate sponsors. There were three different gowns there that Patti decided to choose from. I was tickled as any other girl to choose my prom gown. Patti and Attie agreed my response was embarrassing.

Hattie and I had each worn one of our tweed outfits from Boston while we were there. Though George was not initially pleased we were wearing someone else’s fashions. He became interested in looking into the possibility of getting some items exclusively made by them for his own line of clothing. Attie and I were giving George and other younger eyes that they listened to. They already had good people but they weren’t usually listening to them as close as they should.

Attie and I had three major fashion shows coming up. The one that was supposedly ours in Washington DC; and two others in Chicago and our first one in New York City where we would be seen as major names. That was to be four weeks before Easter.

The change in accommodations at NYC along with the fees we were being paid, was a remarkable change from before. Our friend Jenna in New York City was able to get us prime tickets for two Broadway shows. It included passes behind the stage after the performances. This time she was the one tickled that we visit at her place and make time for her. It was enjoyed by all of us as we had mutual respect for the other and knew where we had come from.

We did have one photographer there in the City that we didn’t care for. This time when he got rude, we put up with his treatment so long and gave plenty of warnings that we would leave. Well, he got us passed that point and we finally left. He was furious calling us spoiled kids.

The fact that he insulted us to others made it all but impossible for us to go back and finish the session with him. It was, however, a major New York department store and their clothing line something we shouldn’t walk out on. We did go and finish our photoshoot after we asked and waited for them to choose another photographer.

He was also a demanding photographer, but we had little to no trouble fulfilling his requests. We paid part of the additional expenses. The fact the store covered half the costs was compensation indicating that their first photographer was also at fault.

During spring break Patti and I along with Leah and Attie traveled to North Carolina to help design some clothes that could bear our insignia indicating that we helped in the design of them.

Lisa along with her designers would also have several wedding dresses she had designed from what Patti and I had both decided. Patti was beside herself as it would be the first gown exclusively designed for her. It was still special for me to have something designed and cut for us. However, it was not quite the same as for my fiancée Patti. But the two gowns we were choosing and being fitted for were actually designed by Lisa and that was a first for me as well as Lisa. Down to the veil and train, Patti got the approval on her gown and our sisters verified that the two gowns would complement one another and not clash come wedding time.

I didn’t know it then, but Patti was brooding inside that I was going to be as pretty as she was. Patti and I were now living at my home, doing things that I was familiar with. My mother told me that I was going to have to give more saying, “Two women each wanting their way could be difficult together. And Patti has long had dreams as a young woman that even she might not realize.

The week before prom that Patti and I flew to North Carolina for our major fitting for our wedding gowns. I was not as careful as Patti and she got a good glimpse of me in my wedding gown. Patti’s feelings were hurt thinking that I would take away from her as a bride.

Patti and I were looking to buy a home on the western outskirt of Ft. Wayne and thought we found one. We were also to approve the final plans for our wedding. Patti was no longer living with us, but once when I got home. she was there with our mom when Hattie and I came back from a trip. She began to cry when our eyes met. I saw her engagement ring on the table where she had been sitting.

I wasn’t sure if she ran to me or intended to run past me, but I caught her and we hugged. It wasn’t a matter of love but things we had trouble agreeing on. It didn’t matter to me if Patti was more perceptive or sensitive. I guess my stubborn side got in the way of things.

It would be spring almost two years later that we would marry at the end of our second year of college. And another year after that Patricia gave birth to Haley. We decide that Patricia would also give birth to our second child. Her traveling with me was never a problem with one child. Haley was a source for both of s. Her eyes started as blue but would change. Wherever we went others adored her almost as much as we did. Not close, but she was not short on affection is shown to her.

Patti during her second pregnancy and with Haley being so active, traveling became a problem. Haley had mostly her mother Patti’s features. Her hair grew out dark and had a beautiful sheen to it. She did have my long slim fingers.

Patricia’s second pregnancy benefited from Patricia having made friends with our neighbor girl, Dakota, and two of her close friends Stephanie and Deeba. Despite Deeba’s father had worked with US soldiers in their home country of Afghanistan. She was not welcome at every home including Dakota’s at times. Dakota and the others were in eighth grade. We hired her and/or her friends to help Patti or myself especially when one of us was alone. Yes, there was a grandma’s room as well.

Those girls became very close friends with Patti as the birth of our second baby approached. It was Patti who names him Colin for a Great Grandfather. Her Great Grandmother Audrene was still alive and active for being 86 years old. She loved our giving our son the name of her husband Colin.

Hattie was now married to Heath a fitness/wellness trainer. We were both still popular models keeping our supermodel status. We had done fashion shows in London, Rome, and Tokyo, but not yet in Paris or Beijing.

It became extra work during my transition to keep my shape. I had begun to look more like my mother and Leah, including my breasts developing more than Hattie’s. I became an avid runner and aerobics person the next three years under the guidance of Heath. Burning more calories helped my breasts from developing fully and I kept my shape without gaining muscle mass.

The first impregnated egg of Patricia’s did not properly adhere inside my body. It was a week after our fifth wedding anniversary that Dr. Michele Dorft officially announced I was pregnant.

I continued to do my regular modeling for the first three months of my pregnancy. There were exceptions when morning sickness hit me. There was a time most of my work did not start until 1:00 p.m. The fourth and fifth months my modeling was very limited to facial makeup, and TV and radio talk shows.

When it became known I was pregnant with twins; it was suggested we terminate one at the risk of a troubled pregnancy including losing both or putting me at risk. Heath being my trainer, helped a lot for maintaining my health and strength. The last two months I did little and I was monitored with weekly checkups more when needed.

I was twelve days from my due date when Dr. Michele decided on a C-section to take both girls. The names Denise and Darby Sue were after 'pretend friends' that Patti and I had growing up. Though we had not known about the other’s friend. And Darby’s name was a surprise even to my mother who thought I had taken to playing with an imaginary friend of Hattie’s. Haley by the time she was three had an imaginary bunny named ‘Anne’.

I would nurse the girls for the first three months and it took me another three months to regain my figure to model again. I thought it was beautiful when Patti nursed our babies. Now that it was my turn to learn, the romantic image was there, but the discomfort of nursing our baby girls was also very evident.

Hattie and I planned enough that one of us was always able to model. We didn’t want to be too long out of the public eye. Come our twenty-fourth birthday, we were already veteran models, yet still modeling as young women.

It was early fall when a store in the Fort Wayne mall was having a spring fashion show. There came a day after school that Dakota, Stephie, and Deeba came running into our house with the flyer of the fashion show. Therein our living room were three young teen girls with dreams of being models if for only a day.

Patti came to me, “Teri, it wasn’t so long ago and one of those girls was you.” She showed the girls them my picture and article from a newspaper then. The girls were amazed by how cute Teri was then.

It was the first also the first time they heard that I, Teri was thought to be a boy. You could see it in the questions in their eyes, ‘How could a boy have had a baby and be nursing the little baby underneath the blanket in front of them.’

A season of life had gone full circle I had done more than Hattie and Terrance had ever dreamed. Living the dream was much more fun.



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