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Getting rid of Snot Features was cool. It meant I had the rest of the day to myself. I decided to ring Jess and see what she was doing. She was at home, so I said I'd go round. Mum seemed a bit put out about this, I think she was looking for one of those parent-child days, but I didn't let this put me off, and went over to Jess's as soon as I could.

She told me that while I was being tortured by having to spend the morning with Snot Features, she'd gone shopping again. What was she like? She'd bought herself yet another dress. She'd picked out a really nice sleeveless one with a round neck in a sort of crimson. I wasn't sure that was the right shade for her, but I didn't say anything, because she seemed so pleased with it. Instead, I told her it looked really good, and why didn't she try it on to show me.

She didn't take much persuading. You know what it's like when you've just bought something and you want your friends to see. It looked really good on her, much better than I'd imagined.

Then she asked if I wanted to try it on. I said no, it was hers, but she said that I ought to try it on because it might suit me, and I could always get one myself if I liked it. I was still, like, a boy, and boys didn't really wear dresses. She said that was silly, and that I'd worn a dress the night before anyway, and that I was as good as any girl, and I should wear a dress if I wanted to.

I was still a bit doubtful, especially with all this they think of me as one of the girl's stuff from Mum, but in the end, I gave in and put the dress on. I had to admit it looked fantastic on me, better than it did on her actually, but I didn't say that to her, it wouldn't have been nice. She tied my hair back for me into a sort of ponytail and persuaded me to put a bit of makeup on as well, just for the effect.

Her Mum came in then, which was a bit embarrassing! I mean, Jess was just standing around in her underwear, but her Mum seemed cool about it and said it was a good idea for me to practice wearing dresses if I was going to be a good Posh Spice for the carnival. Then Jess had an idea. We could go round to see Anna with me wearing the dress! I knew Anna thought I looked cute sometimes when I wore the sort of unisex tops and things, and I sort of wondered if she might like to see me in a dress again.

Jess's Mum said that my blue sandals didn't go with the black dress, which was a fair point, and she made me try on some of Jess's shoes. In the end, I went with the pair we had decided the night before looked best. She also said I needed to change my makeup because Jess had done it to match the red dress. It felt a bit odd, but I agreed, and she did it differently for me. She's dead good at makeup, is Jess's Mum, especially for a wrinkly, and I was amazed when I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I looked just so much older.

Then we left. It felt odd to be dressed,  Halfway there, you'd never guess who we saw walking along the road. John Carpenter our classmate from school, we giggled so much we nearly wet ourselves, and to make it worse, he stopped to talk to us. He was really flirty too, which made us giggle even more. In the end, Jess asked him if he was going out with Mary Morgan, and that made him look a bit embarrassed.

He started talking to me then and said that he had always thought I was a boy. I didn't know what he was talking about, and he kept going on about me always wearing trousers to school. Well, like that's the uniform John, I thought to myself. Then I realized what he meant! Ooops, I was wearing a dress of course, and probably looked a bit like a girl, what with the bra and the makeup. I felt myself blushing and told him we had to be going.

Jess thought it was hilarious that he had decided I was a girl, but I was a bit embarrassed. When we got back to school it could get really confusing after all, if he still thought that! She said he probably fancied me, but I told her that was ridiculous because we were both boys, which made her laugh even more. She was still laughing when we got to Anna's place.

Anna's older sister opened the door. She's eighteen, and nearly as hot to look at as Anna. She just shrugged, and let us through. She called up to Anna saying it was Jess and 'that boy', like I didn't have a name! But at least she didn't think I was a girl, I supposed, so I sort of forgave her.

My heart was like up in my mouth a bit when I heard Anna coming down the stairs. She hadn't seen me in this dress before, so I was a bit scared as to what she might think. I knew she wasn't one of those girls who think that boys shouldn't wear nice stuff, but she might still think this one didn't suit me. And, of course, she hadn't often seen me with this much makeup on.

Still, there was nothing for it. I had to wait for her to see what her reaction might be. I needn't have worried. She seemed to think I looked nice. She asked me to turn around a bit, so she could sort of seeing the full effect, and, well, I felt sort of naked knowing she was looking at me so closely. Then she grinned and said it suited me, and asked me and Jess what we had used. I told her, and she said it didn't look bad, which made me feel really good. Her sister came back and wanted to know why I was dressed like that. Well duh! Anna had already told her about the Spice Girls thing, so she should have guessed. She looked me all over as well, and I felt naked again, but she said I looked pretty much like the real thing, whatever that might have meant.

Anna took us through to the kitchen and we had some juice. I was a bit worried in case I spilled any on my dress, but I managed to do all right. Jess told her that John Carpenter fancied me, which was just so embarrassing! I hid my face in shame, but Anna just seemed to think it was funny. I was a bit upset that she wasn't jealous or anything, and I was about to go into a mood when she started looking at the top of my dress again and saying how good I looked.

We went up to Anna's room and had a good time listening to some music for a couple of hours. Then she said she was going to have a shower, and we should meet up again the day after. Fair enough. I was getting a bit tired and thought I might as well go home. Then it struck me that I'd left my shorts over at Jess's place. I wondered whether I should go back and get them, but Jess said it was all right for me to leave them there. And as for the dress, as I was going to wear it to the carnival anyway, I might as well take it then. She said she'd bring my shorts along when we'd decided what we were doing the next day.

I kissed her goodbye and walked back to my place with a smile on my face.


Not One of the Girls - Part 5


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