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i had this idea for some time, and i think is a good moment to add it to the vn when is still on a early stage, the mc is rewarded with new clothes (XD) when doing certain quests, each cloth change the mc parameters that will let you do and explore certain scenarios that require the mc having for example: more strength, intelligence etc, but... i think that changing npc clothes would be fun too! so with certain quests, or even events here in patreon, you will be rewarded with special clothes only for npc that will let you change characters appearance, for example this chara that would have a green uniform that somehow reminds me of a certain captain from somewhere else... i wonder where? XD (also this character in the example is a new character that i havent presented yet! of course he will appear on the "prologue to chapter 1" events with his original costume of course) i still need to have a more developed idea of this since i think this is going to need a plugin to make it easier instead to add it in all events in each map, but for now i'll leave this teaser here and continue working on the comic pages, i already have one finished but i want to update 2 pages per new post!



P Ros

Wait I love this idea that’s awesome!

Drex Coalson

Yes... YES YES... a thousands times over. Cosplay/slutty outfits are the best. Heck even masculine men wearing a frilly short skirt can be hot... at least to me... you might not agree