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as you can see, something weird happened yesterday, i gave an user the access as usual, the thing is, i ALWAYS give the permissions as "viewer" to all the users, so you can have the access to the reward, but somehow... this user changed their permission to "editor" AND edited the december rewards... thanks to another user i noticed the issue, the thing is... how?... how this happened? :/, i know im sometimes dumb cuz... zombie... but im pretty sure i didnt made an error and changed the permissions bcuz im really sure of it...

image1 - the user got the access and now he can see the folder and comics

image 2- the user somehow changed his permission to editor

image 3- the user edited the access of the access for all the users

anyways gdrive seems to have erased the user from the access, and i have this user identified... not blocking... yet... but please this is just... far from limits... im not sure how you did this, i know you are reading this user, if you dont give me an explanation in the following days, there is just a block for you :)

and really sorry to the users that pledged and didnt see nothing on the rewards folder.... i moved the comic pages on the december rewards folder again and everything should be fine

sometimes i need to take care of a lot of things now that we are many user here!, wich i really appreciate your support really thanks T_T!!

and well, hope this kind of things dont happen again, this is just... o_o




Que absurdo. Esta gente no tiene ocupación alguna. Igual, yo te sigo apoyando man. No te agüites por esto.


Yeah... xq no hackean el área 51 o los archivos secretos del vaticano? T_T porque el drive de este zombie moribundo T_T


Oh Lordy that data breach 😵😵