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Hello all! Nope it's not new pic it's some news. I'm changing payment system on my page to up front payment method and i want to tell how it works for some of you who didn't stumble upon such a thing before.

As an active patrons you are not going to notice it much. The only thing you will notice is when you change tier to higher one you will be charged right away. Amount of this charge is equal to difference between your tier and tier you're switching at. But you must know that it works only one way, downgrading tier do not result in you being refunded that difference. Other then that all is the same.

For new patrons who are going to join it means they will have to pay before get access to benefits, and then every months at 1st day. Nothing special just natural order of things but it helps to avoid misuse.

That's all for today, gotta work on Shinobu;) Cheers!




I was wondering why my PayPal or credit card never got charged. Now I kind of owe you $10 because I moved to a lower tier before I got charged for last month.😑 You have a Kofi or PayPal so that I can give you what I owe you😅


Don't worry my friend, this milestone post divided all actions to before and after. So all that was before doesn't matter anymore and you don't owe me anything. Thank you!


Thanks for being so understanding but I'll make this up to you somehow some day


I'm surprised you didn't have this already! I don't think anyone reasonable would have an issue with this :)


I think this should be the standard. Its important artists receive the compensation they're entitled to.


How do you prepare your color palette? I don't know if I'm wrong, but I think the colors you use are mostly pastel and broken, .. I love the homogeneous result you get! It would be great if you explained it in a future post💜 .. To be able to learn from you ≧◡≦


Hi! I don't prepare color pallete before starting coloring because gradient map will spoil it anyway. I add colors and balance ewerything till i feel it looks nice, and keep correcting colors during all process. It means i check hue, saturation, brightness and contrast of every part so it look solid. I mostly rely on my taste. I used to pick colors from concepts of characters and then used algorithm "match colors" to rendered base in photoshop and it even worked sometimes but now i gave up trying to automate this part of work and just do it manually.


Thanks for answering me ^ w ^ .. You clarified many doubts for me. I just hope you don't mind if I approach you if I have any doubts about color theory or advanced drawing in general, since your style among other cartoonists is the one that seems most attractive to me. I don't mean to copy you! I just want to take you as a reference to be able to fix some weak points in my style, since your way of working seems very professional to me. 💙