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Okay second run) Did some adjustments for better voting.

First 24 hours since link posted you only able to add your option in list by using button in description. During this period you can't see options including one you adeed and can't vote.

After 24 hours all list of options appear and actual voting will begin, since this moment you can't add options and only can vote. Voting is gonna last for 48 hours


Voting for next pic

First 24 hours since link posted you only able to add your option in list by using button in description. During this period you can't see options including one you adeed and can't vote.After 24 hours all list of options appear and actual voting will begin, since this moment you can't add options and only can vote.


Finn Ryan

Allright hopefully this mean my submission has an actual chance lol


Gosh I hate my piece of junk phone. I ruined my chance for submition because I accidentally hit done prematurely. Oh well, I have faith that in the voting, people will have put good options


Wow! Thanks a lot! You're really kind and responsive. I might just increase my pay amount to support you.


i see notification i response) sometimes it's not shows up and i do not respond so it depends mostly of my browser rather then me)

Markus Erdt

This is going to be a long list I assume ^^


Removed doubles and options i wouldn't draw anyway + added sources for some options, all is ready to go.

Markus Erdt

Funny how there are some options that nobody ends up voting for. So not even the one who came up with it? ^^