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Okay let's try this out) Found one cool voting service and want to try it, no need to registration just vote or/and add your own option (button in description) Only one limitation yet - no more than 200 people per voting but i think it's enough for testing :\


Voting for next pic

Vote for existed in list or add new option with characters you want to see, all you added will appear in list for everyone. Rules are simple no OC, gay, futa, furry, pony or other stuff like that, just remember what i usually draw and try to match it ;)Important note: you can give your like to multiple options or even all of them.



Also note it here too - you can give your like to multiple or even all of options and not limited with only one.


Deadline is in 3 days so you have plenty of time to vote or change mind.

Finn Ryan

Hi! Is this just for the next pic, and if so are commissions now open aagain?


hi, i want to replace commissions with voting and implement it as a benefit for patrons, but many things could go wrong so it's gonna be long term experiment for a few months i think.

Markus Erdt

Darn, I was just beginning to warm up to the idea of throwing more money in your face for a commission. XD


Found that you can not go back after you've voted so you can't change likes later, which means those who added their options late will suck cause those who was first can't vote anymore. For this voting all is already clear so for next one i will divide voting in two steps, first 24 hours for everyone to add options, and only after 24 hours voting will start with all those added options in equal position.