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That time again where everyone is obligated to look sexy in hot weather! + I get to draw my monkey! ;3
Had a fun time with this. No seriously committed stuff to this piece. Just had fun messing around with.

Tired something really different with this piece. Inspired by RedusTheRiotAct, I wanted to make the lineart semi-messy, with blotchy, painted rendering. So, from afar, it looks pretty clean.  Something about this was really engaging, and idk if people would be interested in this for future comms. But the thought process was pretty much, having all the colors available on one layer and making adjustments w/out switching layers. Like actual painting.

Still gonna look inaccurate as heck, but it's sort of a mix of mine and Redus' work. Gotta have that tasty rim lighting haha.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did. (Also, have the PSD on me just cuz i'm in a good mood ^^ )



