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JUNE IS UPON US! So where are we at?


Steady as usual even tho I feel like I’m behind. I’m honestly just wanting to clear up my queue still. It’s getting there, just a few more and then I can start accepting more comms.


Sorry there was no Fan Art poll this month. I needed the time to catch up on comms. I think I’m at a good place to host another one this month. I said I would ask for suggestions from you guys but I accidentally slept on it. Potentially tomorrow, I’ll make a post about that so I can have the poll set up on Friday.

Requests went great as ever and I thank everyone for the fun ideas. (I’ll message you all tomorrow for your new requests.)

Although, something hit me really hard recently. I still have nothing exclusive for you guys and I’m so sorry for that. Like, last week I thought, “I really need to draw for myself and show it off to you guys first.” Just, spur of the moment art ideas that I can work on in tandem with commissions. I feel like I’m at this point where my clients are all patient with me and I can do something else in the background. Cuz whenever I do make something else, it’s nothing special or big. It’s just a quick sketch and color and it almost always goes to Twitter first. I need to step up my game.

Personal Life

Uuuuuuuugh fudge. Idk what happened last month. I want to say my motivation took a dip and exercising never felt consistent. It felt like I stumbled throughout each day trying to fill my cup. My Therapist told me to adjust my schedule and to give myself an extra day off to chill if I felt like I piled too much stuff on myself. And to set my phone alarm away from my bed so when it goes off, I’m forced to get up and walk towards it. It’s been working and I’ve been getting my days started about and hour earlier. So I’m just adjusting to this new schedule.

That’s been me guys. I want to be better for you all and I hope I can do that by the end of this year.

Be safe, and take care.


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