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It’s March baby! Let’s get down to business!


I think I can summarize last month as “Steady but Slow.” I got through pieces that had priority but barely had anytime for myself. Yeah, looking back idk what happened. I guess I didn’t plan that much in-between stuff so all things were stream lined till the very end. Kinda sucks.


It’s seems working on requests and the poll winner took the first half of February and those last YCH comms took over the other half. Mostly cuz I gave myself a deadline for those. Not a whole lot of breathing room so I got burnt out quickly.

Peeps in the request Tiers, I’ll hit you up starting tomorrow 👍

New Poll this Friday as well!

Personal Life:

I think this will be the biggest part of the update.

In last month’s update I said my folks would be gone the entire month. And I told myself that would be the time for me to finally focus on my work. That’s not entirely what happened. Instead I managed to focus on myself. What I mean is, I did manage to draw a lot more but ended changing my entire routine. Thanks to my therapist’s advice and me investing in some workout equipment, I now have a daily schedule. With this it keeps me feeling more calm and having more energy. And that bit of exercise I can squeeze into everyday feels great! I sleep better, I eat better, and don’t entirely hate my life every minute. Burnout is still a thing but it definitely depends on what I’m drawing. That Lucia pic for example; sketched and finalized in one day and rendered it the next. And that was super fun.

So as March begins, and my folks come back this Sat. Let’s see how I can adjust my daily routine once they’re back in the picture.

(Also I’ll be opening comms hopefully next week)


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