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Aight. New Month. New Update. Lets GO!

  • New Tier

- So, The 2nd Tier of my Patreon went up a while back. Hopefully you all have seen it. Like I said last time, If you pledge you'll get access to the PSD Files of some future works. STILL debated on what to do with the 3rd tier (the monthly Request Tier). I'm having trouble figuring out the Price-to-Skill Level ratio. Hopefully I'll have an answer by next month.

-ALSO! To keep things a little organized here i'm going to go through all my Patreon posts and assigning appropriate tags. They'll be simple tags, nothing too descriptive. This is just a HEADS UP cuz you might be getting notifications whenever I edit an old post. Maybe, idk.

  • Catch-up

-I'm still working on some of the old projects I mentioned in the last update. I think i have 2 or 3 more things to finish before starting on new personal projects. The things i'm working currently involve a Red Panda so I hope you look forward to that.

-And once I've finished catching up on stuff, there might be a possibility that I open commissions again in the coming months. This type of stuff will usually be posted on Twitter and other socials but if you're interested in snagging a slot early (when i'm open; which is not now), go ahead and message me here. DISCLAIMER: I'm typing this now but i'm debating if Patreon Comms should even being a thing since you guys are already supporting me by being a patron. In other words, I dont want to take more of your money.

  • Life Update

- Uuuuuuuuuuuhh...last month was rough. So rough that I cant really remember a whole lot. I can at least say towards the end of July I've been feeling a little better mental health wise. After that last comm, I don't have any serious deadlines any more so that pressure is gone. Plus i started taking my pills again so that's helping. I hate how much they help me during the day cuz the side effects really fucking suck. They mess with my insides :< But yeah, been feeling better, and getting other work done pretty fast. Let just hope no more earthquakes happen and have them raise my anxiety to an astronomical level again hehehe...(west coast problems :l)

Have a great August everyone! Stay SAFE and HEALTHY!



Well, I’m up for a pic if the time comes for it. Nevertheless, good luck this month!