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Apologies in advance for the frame drops during the end discussion 🙏 I'm glad that it didn't happen during the actual reaction though 😅


At the beginning of episode 4 she said it’s been 6 months since she started school


Tanya is back baby! By the way, the law you're looking for is Murphy's Law. Chaos Theory is a pretty complex mathematical concept that studies the "butterfly effect" on sensitive systems like weather.

Levi Blair

Glad to see your continuing and still enjoying this series, its one hell of a ride. Also random little bit thats kinda cool the op song is called jingo jungle, the word jingo was popularized during ww1 which is what this war is modeled after and basically means a adamant supporter of policy favoring war, especially in the name of patriotism. Its a little different than being a warmonger who seeks war but fits this series and describes certain characters for varying reasons really well.


Oh you're 100% right! I guess I just associated Chaos theory with it because the name suits it so well 😂


Wow I must've missed that! Wasn't expecting so much time to pass so quickly there 😅


Yeah I can definitely see some connections there now after seeing you point that out 😅 But yeah I'm actually really enjoying this so far! Tanya's situation is super interesting and I hope the other characters we meet in this new group bring some dynamic personalities into the mix!