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By this time, the novel should've already explained his magic, so I won't call this a spoiler: Tatsuya is capable of decomposition magic. It's kinda what you saw in the episode where he dealt with the Hong Kong triads that messed with the Nine Schools Competition. Tatsuya literally decomposes objects/living beings into basic elements. I won't go too far into the explanations, but I hope you understand all those times he seemed to be shooting "lasers" or turning people into "flames" is pretty "scientific" lol. However, this dude loves his secrecy, so he hides it by pretending to be doing other stuff. Both the army and Yotsuba family wants him to keep his powers a secret, so it's in everyone's favour for Tatsuya to act like he does.


I lol'd when Cardinal George mistook his magic for something else and Tatsuya just gave him that "whatever" look. When things work in Tatsuya's favour, he won't bother correcting you. Tatsuya didn't have to "catch the bullets" or "chop" that man's arm off at all. He just did it so guys like George would mistaken it as another magic. Oh and of course, they didn't go into detail, but Mayumi's the only other magician we've seen so far who could kinda use clairvoyance like abilities. Her "multi-scope" is kinda like having a bunch of security cameras giving you additional sight. It works well with her sniping abilities you saw from the Nine Schools Competition. That's why they showed the scene where both she and Tatsuya saw the terrorist crashing into the building with a truck. Tatsuya was not happy his secret's revealed.


Also, the "lock" that Miyuki has on Tatsuya is the only real lock on his powers. Everyone else's "restrictions" are just pseudo/political and Tatsuya if pushed to do so would disobey them. There's only one thing in the world Tatsuya feels strongly about and that's everything related to Miyuki. So as long as her safety/life style isn't affected, Tatsuya would agree to be placed under those other restrictions. With Miyuki's restrictions, it's a little different. Both siblings are kinda nerfed significantly to keep Tatsuya from abusing his powers. So imagine how OP Miyuki really is when she's roflstomping everyone while nerfed. When Miyuki "silenced" their guns, she asked Tatsuya to touch her briefly. And that's pretty much how she unlocks her powers as well. It also somewhat allows her to tap into Tatsuya's "eyes" a little bit. So this lock works both ways as you can see. Their extraordinary connection does have some benefits.


I've mentioned this before, but there's a timeskip somewhere between the Nineschools Competition and this particular arc. The novels actually had an arc where Mayumi stepped down as the president if you're ever confused. Either way, the new president Nakajou is a pretty good magician. Her magic was able to influence the minds of a lot of people at once. The reasons she usually keeps it under wraps is because this type of magic is frowned upon. If you think about it, an evil magician could use her magic in some crazy ways to mess up society during large gatherings.


Loved this reaction. Literally watched your reaction to the surprises like the bullet scene, power unlock, and bye bye leg scenes like 30 times. Lol. Loved it


Yo I can't believe so much information was cut from the anime!!! The fact that the limiters on Tatsuya work both ways between him and Miyuki is such a huge detail and it only gets me even more hype to see them in action so thanks for pointing that out for me 😅 One moment I was a bit confused about that you also cleared up was the Nakajou becoming the new president part and I didn't even realize the importance of Mayumi witnessing Tatsuya kind of decompose the truck until you mentioned it here lol. Thanks again for all of the help man and I can't wait to see how they wrap things up in the next episode!


Thanks a lot! 😂 I also laughed a lot when editing over the power unlock scene because I feel like you could see exactly when the thought suddenly popped in my head and the reaction after was hilarious