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You've never seen invisible bullet on screen, but it's been mentioned that Cardinal George was named after that move. He discovered a cardinal code, "weight type magic", which is the cornerstone to invisible bullet. It's a magic that basically manipulates weight somewhat, so it's a rather overpowered move if used correctly lol.


The cast-time/strength weakness doesn't affect Tatsuya's innate spells. It wasn't elaborated upon, but everyone has their own elements or specialty magics. The rest of the magics/generic ones are the types that Tatsuya are really weak at using due to certain reasons explained later. Either way, Tatsuya's spells are not slow/weak at all, as long as it's the stuff he's used to using. It's still a weakness cause he won't be able to use a lot of spells that are required in certain situations.


Ichijou's mistake in that scene was honestly a huge mistake that could seriously derail his career. He would've been a murderer potentially if it was anyone else other than Tatsuya. Realise even Tatsuya had a ruptured liver and broken ribs. That's a fatal wound if not for the repair spell. This is also the first time they mentioned flash cast in the anime. It's a crazy ass Yotsuba specialty where the Yotsuba family magicians write spell sequences directly into their brains. It's how they cast at crazy speeds. The only limitation is that these spells have to be simple processes. Obviously specialty magics are also included because they're specialties lol. That's the real reason why Tatsuya is invincible. He could flash cast his repair magic and basically not die unless you kill him instantly.


Mayumi mentioned this, but the snapping fingers/amplifying sound wave spell is nothing special. Anyone could do it once they get close. The only reason it was surprising is cause Tatsuya stood up right away after having a near-death experience. Juumonji's "explanation" was a convenient one for Tatsuya since it's completely off the mark lol. Martial arts had nothing to do with anything.


Yoshida (ancient magic user) wasn't exhausted by using magic, he was thrown to the ground chest first by George's invisible bullet earlier. That's why he was barely standing up. Being thrust onto the floor at that speed would knock out most people. He literally had to bite his lips to stay conscious. You were spot on about Yoshida Mikihiko being adamant about not using CADs before. Now he's combining ancient magic along with modern magic. It's on another level lol.


Kobayakawa's (the mirage bat contestant) situation is rough. Tatsuya commented that a distrust on your own magical powers is incredibly destructive for a magician. In their world, magic is basically the twisting of reality, so magicians require the confidence in their own ability to do just that. Given the fact that her CAD failed and she experienced something traumatising, it would heavily affect her psyche from here on out. When Tatsuya said she's "done for", it wasn't just for this tournament. It could basically destroy a promising magician's entire future in that industry. The other people were justifiably scared of Tatsuya who rampaged in the inspection room. As a student, his actions are beyond bold lol. He attacked a staff member of the tournament.


Buying magic that's recently published would be similar to buying futuristic flying cars that's still in the theoretical stage. Even in our world, theories take a long time to actually become something tangible that we use. It's the same with all of our physicists etc. The fact that not only is the flight magic made practical, it's also available in what they consider a civilian's market is ridiculous. Even if we were to have a rocket to Mars, 99.9999999% of humans on earth would not be able to buy that. I hope this comparison helps you understand their shock lol.


Alright so I just finished reading everything and these comments actually cleared up so much about the series that I did not realize at first 😅 I think the most important things that stood out to me were the mirage bat contestant's trauma pretty much costing her her future as a magician (which is really sad considering that she's probably worked really hard and come so far to get here) and George's invisible bullet. My understanding of it (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is that George specializes in Gravity-related magic right? So is invisible bullet just like a very small and thin space that's gravity is raised to the point where it'd apply the same amount of pressure to your body as a bullet (if not more)? Basically I think of it like this. Heightened gravity would weigh your body down so if someone were to raise gravity but only over one small point on your arm then it could apply enough pressure to make it feel like a bullet hitting your arm right? I'm guessing that George used a non-lethal form of it to abide by the rules but on paper and if used outside of the tournament, that magic sounds absolutely insane 😅