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Somethings I wanted to point out: -the reason why Tatsuya used the light/blinding tactics for battle board is because his contestant "Mitsui" is a specialist of light magic. -while modern magicians are capable of a huge variety of magics, there are still specialties and preferences -Shizuku Kitayama was 2nd in practical scores of their year during the entrance exams, so she's definitely strong AF for a student -Shizuku specialised in vibration magic I believe -Shizuku and Miyuki both use Tatsuya as their engineer, so there's no excuse. Makes it even worse for Shizuku who lost completely.


Nilfheim is part of Norse mythology. It's one of the 9 worlds on the tree of life. I believe it's the land of ice that houses the titans who eventually fought the gods. It's pretty neat how they tied that into magic names etc.


Yep, I'm pretty sure you're right about Shizuku's specialty as well. I remember them mentioning it during her first shooting match that vibration magic was her specialty


Yeah I remembered a bit of that from the newest God of War game actually! 😅 That's the only reason why I think I pronounced it right the second time but I definitely see the connection there when it comes to that place and Miyuki's ice magic


Oh I forgot to mention this, not all of the 9 schools have a weed system. This system came into place cause of the lack of resources, but most of the other schools have just the right amount of students to not rely on such a system. So not all of the other schools have the discriminatory streak that First high does.


Just another reminder while I'm at it: -magic interference strength is different from psion count (Miyuki has both at a high level) -interference strength is the ability to rewrite reality (magic) -psion count is just the amount of magical particles within your body (fuel?) -Tatsuya's primary issue revealed so far is his slow activation speed and low interference strength Another detail that must be said again is that whenever magic is cast, the area's requisite interference strength goes up. In other words, the amount of interference it'd take from the magician raises. So the more magic you cast, the harder it'll be to cast it. This was referenced from the bus incident as well as when they discussed flying magic. Flying magic was difficult because they had to re-cast a lot of magic frequently, which raised the interference levels to impossibly high. Mayumi warned her schoolmates not to recklessly cast magic at the same time because it'll raise the interference requisite levels to very high. It would be inefficient.


Saionji (not Juumonji lol) is a specialist in strengthening magic. Having him in Monolith code is so fucking cheap lol. He basically strengthens the connection of the two Monolith halves, so the opponents can't open it up to read.


Yeah that moment when he sealed the monolith then the other guy said "that was dirty" 😂 Also I'll try to remember Saionji but all of these names are getting confusing now lmao


OHHHH!!! So like this school has limited resources so they have to divide the students in order to give the blooms the best resources and the weeds what's left?


Alright so basically it'd take Tatsuya more energy (or psion count) to cast magic compared to someone like Miyuki? And then his slow activation speed would make it take a bit longer for his magic to take effect?

James Yancy

In fact, Tatsuya has INSANE magical power, but it's narrow in the scope of its applications, meaning he does very specific things really really well. He can do the more usual magics too, but at a much weaker level, which makes him seem weaker than he actually is. It's a sacrifice for him being so insanely strong in the magic he is extremely good at.