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Episode 3-4 Reaction:

Cloud Crowd Discord Link: discord.gg/xaHMS3Q

If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message me at any time and I will help in any way I can 👍



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Jaguar-man is a super, super, SUPER obscure god from the Olmec civilization. It's so ancient that we know basically nothing about it except that it was some kind of Jaguar-human hybrid (we're not even 100% sure what its name was). The Aztecs later had a God called Tezcatlipoca that's heavily associated with Jaguars, so it's commonly believed that Jaguar-man evolved into him. (although due to how Fate works, they're still separate deities despite probably being different iteration of each other) The Aztecs had a whole class of top-tier warrior called the Jaguar Warriors who had to fight Jaguars and wear their pelts as an homage to Tezcatlipoca. It's heavily suspected that this whole ritual was originally meant to emulate Jaguar-man, but changed when the pantheon did. The tiger pajamas are a reference to it.


Btw that is Taiga