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Welcome to our small neighborhood!

"Town" [30x30]  has 1 map variants (plus grid, no-grid, JPG, PNG and PDF versions, ready for Roll20, Foundry or your favourite VTT platform).

A town can have a lot of different things, but it’s best to focus on the points of interest for your adventures. A town to them is a safe place to rest and get supplies, an area to start new quests, and a central hub for them to work on multiple adventure hooks. A good town will act as an anchor and keep your adventures returning to it again and again. Each town should contain the following:

  • A tavern or Inn
  • A blacksmith, leather-smith, or armorers
  • Various specific item shops
  • A general store
  • Craftsmen or Experts in trades
  • Commoners
  • A Town watch or Guard

And how about some action?  Maybe your heroes  will:

  • Gather herbs in the woods for the apothecary
  • Find the herdsman’s lost goats
  • Lead a hunter into the woods for a dangerous monster hunt
  • Escort a cart of trade goods out of town past bandit camps
  • Clear out the goblins in the nearby cave
  • Reduce the local wolf population

All the content is registered under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC-SA. This means anyone can use it, share it or modify it. It cannot be used commercially. Finally, credit must be given to me as the author, and a link to this web page must be included if it is shared or redistributed. 


A town might be a center for any adventure - they are full of stories and quests waiting to be solved!

If you want to bound your players with the city, think about interesting NPCs waiting for them.

The innkeeper who always has an interesting story from his youth, elven waitress plotting to take over the business or family members waiting with dinner every day. Sometimes the most interesting tasks are near the house!

But the city might be a hostile environment. If your players are outlaws or the governor is a tyrant, they should run. Planning an escape route, hiding from the guards, looking for allies - everything is possible and fun!

Remember to include some crucial points to the city:

The inn, where the adventurers can rest, eat a hot meal and look for a job.

All kinds of -smiths, blacksmith, leathersmith, armourer, let your players spend their gold on the new toys.

Specific items shop - maybe a local sorcerer is willing to buy or sell some artifacts or spell scrolls. Sharing knowledge is great, but no one told it’s free.

A general store, players might want to buy some rope or supplies for the road. Even when they ask for something weird - let them get it. You don’t know what they are going to do with a bunch of nails? You will find out soon!

Commoners, their houses and their lives. We know being an everyman is boring, but sometimes adventurers need a break from being a hero.

The world is in your hand and imagination is your ally. Our description is just a suggestion, our vision of The City, inspiration for a story. We hope our background will help new game masters, and our maps will be a great addon for more advanced players :)

Download your maps here: Novice | Mage | Archmage

You can find the folder location of all maps on MyAirBridge here.



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