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Edited to complete all sketches so far this month.

The pieces for Caw, Kickaha, Koda, Muddook, Seindrache, Shay, Forepawz and Schickon respectively. 

Almost through this set. 6 delivered, 1 stowed, 3 waiting for deets.

So it is extremely plain to me is that I am not doing simple sketches for these, the goal was to force it to be 30 minutes of work which generally I can manage with the rough style but I am certain this level art work is worth more than that. Maybe at some point I'll get a real "Sketch" level that represents $20 but I do not have a developed sketch style that I am comfortable selling.

So what I am going to do - AFTER next month's patreon tick I will change the tier from $20 to $40. This will give people who initially jumped on another go at this old rate and I will honor it with another piece like I have done so far.

I'll probably change it to 15 slots alongside it, and will probably be selling this format of colored sketch officially as individual commissions in the future at the same price of $40. 

Later on once I have developed a new real $20 sketch effort level I'll recreate that tier of art, but until then this is the plan.



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