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Other disruptive behaviors of the fae include...

"Establishment roleplay" where they run businesses and expect visitors to play along.
"Pet Projects" where they are effectively playing minecraft and may or may not involve spellfluxed as fixtures within it.
"Test of character" schticks where they dressup as a beggar and whatever else and bother travelers.
"Humanitarian aid" where they think the poor spellfluxed have it so rough and to make themselves feel better perform labor and make things the spellfluxed overtly don't need. (example, an entire immediately uninhabited neighborhood next to the town, may or may not also ruin half of the nearby farmland.)

With the right tone you can chase them off, but you need to have real authority in the space. You can't assume it and be taken seriously. They can tell. Otherwise "pet project" fae mostly get chased off by making their project too annoying to repair constantly each time they leave.



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