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Shale! He's a noodle! He isn't actually spellfluxed but in the soft canon of "I want to draw this for fun" he'll get to interact with everyone. He is from the wider setting though. He lives in the Silver Coast coalition area if you recall the region map I arted.

He is one of the many exiled slatepaws from when their government went "Wait, we could just exile all our problems!" and now he is a problem for them by being a fairly impactful figure in his community that doesn't answer to their original homeland.

His skillset is the spellthiefy type and he has a gimmick of being able to overcome any mental influence, he can just pack up because he is bored and leave.

I have one more character reference to do to update existing ones, however much a "Species" reference counts on that basis for the slatepaws. After that all other refs are pretty current and if I do more it will be characters that have had none.



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