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Welcome to Local News at 2. Where I tell you guys what's happening, or what's about to happen
Welp, another month has gone by, commission work is going on pretty well, and I've got some plans on what to do this upcoming month, so, let's get started!
The New Computer Challenge: So, I've been feeling that my good ol' laptop, affectively named Gerald, is beginning to be left in the dust. So, I have decided to start what I like to call the New Computer Challenge. It will be a mad dash for cash, in which I will try to gain at least $2500 USD to get some computer components by the end of this year. How will I make this happen? Well, I'll have to do a wide variety of stuff to gain more money, like doing another Patreon revamp (which may include Patreon previews perhaps), open up render commissions, be much more efficient and faster on my model commissions to open up more slots, delve into animation, among many other things. Hopefully the money sprint will turn out successful in the end. I can only imagine how much a new computer would help me. I'll be planning more stuff on the way. 

I'll try to complete the open model projects I have and get other stuff ready in preparation for the money sprint. I'll also try to at last to post more updates here. So as always, I'll see you when I'll see you!



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