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The commission sketches I have done so far.

As a change of strategy I've been going through and roughing out the commissions as I get them, even if I won't be finishing them until way later.

I think this is a really solid plan.

-It gives the commissioner something back almost immediately after paying instead of hearing nothing back for god knows how long.

-It ensures that I get the ideas I came up with down on paper right then and there when it's fresh in my mind.

-And when I do come back to finish the commission, the ground work has been done for me already and I'm not just staring at a blank canvas trying to create something from nothing on the spot.

Plus my meds have really been helping me work. I've been drawing all month, and as a result knocking out these sketches has been pretty damn smooth.

Gonna try to keep the momentum going.




Ohhhh, MGE Lich!!😍😍😍 Almost more excited for that than mine lol

Merijn van Tooren

I am enchanted by the second and third sketch <3 so cute