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Finally sat down and finished these.

Definitely didn't initially plan on drawing her wearing brown bear PJs at the start, and then change it to panda ones right at the last second, causing the honey eating pose to make no sense. Definitely not.



Justin Wood

Still lovely as always! Nice work Pudge :D


Just change the honey to bamboo. Covered in… bamboo juice???


Nice Work! Looks great!


You did a great job on these!

Adrin Longshadow

Adorable character as always! And, no, I'd never have thought it was a last minute change! Definitely not! Lol


I think panda looks cute. :3


Riley is just so great. She covers the gamut of cute/hot better than any character I can think of, and this set does well to illustrate that. Also freckles. 😍

Ben Luber

Very cute and Riley is sexy as always. Is it wrong that I have a crush on this fictional character? she is the cutest.


Pandas eat honey. In fact, much like other honey eaters, their hide is too thick for bees to go though. There are articles from china showing wild pandas devouring the honey that bee keepers make, up to 10 hives at a time.


Riley is always fantastic to see!


Millions of peaches

Chrono Johnson

Riley is just absolutely adorable. And yeah, panda love honey too 🍯


Always a pleasure to see more Riley 🥰