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Making myself do the shading and lighting composition BEFORE I do lineart, since I like doing the lineart and I'm usually too tired afterwards to put any effort into the shading.

I can also use the shading to inform how I draw the lineart to create a more cohesive piece instead of a the lighting being more of an afterthought.

Might even do a simple background, wow!



Emanuel Murguia Martinez

This looks grwat! And the grayness makes it seem like a statue lol

Chrono Johnson

Dam Pudge! You're something else! Love this


This is coming up wonderful!


It's great to get insight into your process like this. Lighting as a core consideration for a piece really does elevate it, so I'm happy you're able to re-order things to work it in more organically. Is it just me or does Marie seem more into it now? 😄