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I set it up initially to allow people who couldn't afford more than that to show support if they wanted to. But now that I'm gonna be using Patreon more seriously it's kind of arbitrary, and even a slight liability.

I get about 75¢ per 1 dollar patron. That takes AWHILE to add up.

About 45% of the people here are in the 1 dollar tier but they only account for about 12% of the funds I get each month. And that'd be fine, but they're getting essentially the same benefits as the $5 and $10 right now. (since I haven't completed any artpacks or comics yet)

And because it's so cheap, it's also the tier that is routinely used by griefers to come in and download the early access art and post it online publicly out of spite, leave harassing comments and messages, or even dip in and out without paying.

So I will be editing the $1 tier so that it only has access to concept sketches.

Advanced WIPs and fully rendered illustrations will be for $5 and up tiers.

This will be first time I've changed a tier so we'll see how and when it takes effect. And I will likely need to go through and manually edit each existing post for accessibility.

UPDATE: I've changed accessibility on the most recent posts so that WIPS and Finished pics from the last few days are only accessible to $5 and up tiers. Older stuff is still accessible to the $1 tier, but going forward only sketches will be viewable to them.


Screaming Vomit Man

Never realised there would be griefers trying to mess with you and post your stuff around. This is probably a good idea.


So sorry you have to deal with spiters, do what you gotta do to take care of yourself!


I, as a $1 patron, completely understand the reasoning behind this. I will consider changing to the $5 pledge, but I may not be able to with my current situation. However, I still wish to support your art. :)


Perhaps change it to a 3$ tier instead? People that just want to make a quick grab usually balk at anything above 1$ while most casual fans that just want to see exclusive images and WIP and show some support while at it probably can't justify to themselves spending 5$ on art, so 3$ is a golden medium I saw used by most artists on Patreon I sub to.


Damn, I subbed to see WIPs and other stuff few days ago and now this, sadly, but I understand why you decides to do that. Idk, maybe have 2-3$ at least.


Possibly consider changing the $1 tier to $2 to actually get a dollar out as well.


I'm sorry about this guys. It has just caused some headaches over the last year and it's going to continue causing them if I don't adjust it. I'll consider some slightly different options. (ie raising the price to $2 dollars or so and allowing access to more finished WIPS like lineart and flat color) But the more I do that the closer it would get to the $5 tier making them both more irrelevant.


Another comment already said this, but I think possibly a $3 tier could work? But I understand if you'd rather just keep the $1 and $5.


I recently switched from $ 1 to $ 5 :) But I think it's a good decision. And I hope that it will bring you more art especially :)


100% agree with this course of action, especially as you are releasing full pieces to the public on only a slight delay. I didn't even realize this is your main gig - with that in mind people gotta support the art. No need to apologize for taking steps to give your art a more steady framework, that's what we're here for.


No you're right, it makes sense to do that, 1 dollar was a deal for your art talent. People who appreciate your work will stick around, especially if you're putting in the time. Sorry to hear it's caused such a headache but happy to support you earning more.

Derrick Trylch

Understandable. Totally get it


Totally justified. I've raised my tier, no regrets.

Merijn van Tooren

I want to support many artists on Patreon, and that's going to be very hard for me if the minimum goes up to 5 for every one of them. I don't even care about early access, it's already a reward for me that I get proper Patreon notifications. Twitter isn't gonna single out all your artworks for me and mail me about each one. I do really want to see your finished art more than anything. Well, that's my piece said. Good luck!


It's the thought that counts, man. I appreciate you wanting to support me and others. Please don't feel any pressure to stay if it no longer becomes financially viable.


Hope the changes work out for you.

Emanuel Murguia Martinez

I think this is justified, but maybe should of waited until the end of the month? Idk but I paid the dollar when I was getting the art, and now half a month in you changed it, I get why, but it is kind of unfair? But I will be upping it next month tho, because that's fair


I get ya yeah. I debated on that myself. But this change also comes after I realized I hadn't turned on the "charge upfront" option in my settings. So if it's any comfort, since you joined before I turned that setting on, you haven't paid anything yet. And won't be charged until the first of next month.

Emanuel Murguia Martinez

Oh really? Oh then yeah sorry about that lol, I never check my paypal so I didn't know I didn't get charged


It's alright, I didn't know about that setting for a year either. I suspect, but do not know for certain, that since I was a month to month payment plan with "charge upfront" turned OFF, people could join for free in the middle of the month and then if they left before the month ended, they would avoid ever being charged. Which kinda sucks. lol But it's on now so at least they can't do that anymore.


Good move ^.^ griefers suck.


I adore your art, and totally understand the price hike - however, I really can't afford to follow the hike. I'm going to wait until I'm more financially stable and resubscribe then (I'll stay until the end of the month, so you still get my dollar for the month.) I'll keep an eye on your twitter, wish you well!


No worries, man. After the recent surge of people joining, I'm not going to be hurting financially. I appreciate you wanting to support me though. <3


I can get behind the change, as one of the few people who actually can't afford to pledge more it does leave a bit of a sour aftertaste tho.


Yeah sorry, mate. With a few exceptions, all my art will be posted publicly for free 2 weeks after it's posted here if that is of any comfort to you.