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Just about ready for lineart. Might sleep on it first. I should probably do a quick mock up of the colors and shading to make sure it looks alright before I spend a day finishing it just to realize something is off.

Update: Lineart and flat color done. Shading wise I'll try to keep it simple. I think my strength definitely lies in posing and linework. Fiddling with the shading too much may end up ruining the pic.

I'm toying with the idea of it being dark and having them both lit by the light of the phone, which has a baffled and flustered Nazuna watching in a Zoom call. lol

I'mma take a lil vidya game break before I take a crack at the shading. May even leave it for tomorrow when I'm fresh.




Very rad


Looking amazing so far!


Can't get enough of all the details in their expressions - from the previous sketches I was most looking forward to seeing how they turned out! The synergy of jubilant ecstasy and primeval pleasure works so well here! 🤭 Following along with the process is great fun, thanks for sharing with us!


Thank you, I've been tossing around the idea of making Michiru's expression less happy sex and more just "lost in pleasure". It's difficult to pull of without it looking like she's in pain though. Those two emotions tend to come off very similarly in the face.


really digging Michiru's expression in this.


You know pudge Im sure a lot of us wont mind you taking a break if you need one. Saw the post about doing mostly sketches. Just putting it out there i have a few artist friends who start to burn themselves after drawing constantly and dont want you to do the same.


I'm doing ok for now. I sketch mostly to get ideas down before I forget them. Eventually I hit a piece I'm excited about (like this one) and I am driven to finish it. Also sketching a lot helps avoid getting rusty. Keeps me from getting frustrated. I will keep an eye out for burnout tho. <3


Good my buddy Sanyo and Sny worry me sometimes. But anyway have a good morning and stay safe. Happy drawing


The poses you draw are *chefs kiss*


Not what I expected to ever see when I started following you, but I am very pleased.


This is some serious hot shit ❤


The neck grab on this is just A+++

Ben Luber

Michiru getting pleased right there.


Love your posing, and I like the idea with the zoom call fluster!