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from Fairy Tail

Pose: Pin Up

Version(s): Regular, Makeup, Cum, Makeup + Cum

Image Folder: [LINK] 

(Note: For certain tiers, Higher rezzes still on Dropbox! I'll still post this version on there too)



Ivan Tejeda

Flare is so underrated and a top tier red head. Yandere type beat


Great wirk with underrated yandere cutie flare


I love how plumpy her areola are

Myku Nailenne

Love these types of plumperellafinubulous pin ups, super thicc and sexy pose for mama flare


Yeeeees it's finally heeeere. Worth the wait too might I add. This amazing set is so recognizable even from just the face, such amazing work you do Tenzy. And the lighting on her boobs as well as how plump her areole are are a nice extra delicate touch.


Ah, Flare... the first artwork with her after the incident with the stories and it does NOT disappoint. It kinda reminds me of another artwork we have with her on the beach (somewhat similar pose, same distance to the ocean and almost the exact same beach towel). The biggest difference are her... well, bigger assets in this masterpiece and the fact that the artwork is mirrored. Of course there are other differences as well, like for example how much more realistic the water in this pic looks and of course that Patrick Star in this artwork also has Spongebob next to him XD. Great job done with the cum version; I like how thick it looks. Mmmmmmh... what a wonderful color choice for her makeup and tattoo. The light blue of her lipstick makes such a wonderful contrast to her crimson red hair and the purple color of the tattoo. While on it, it may not be all that fitting her character, but "Paizuri Maiden" certainly fits those huge funbags she carries in front of her. Great artwork. Makes me wonder if those other Fairy Tail artworks in the Previews will have a similar positions/layout since they already look quite similar (at least from what little can be seen). Guess I have to wait for the next polls to find that out. 7,5/10


Thats true, I like her character design, coupled with her demeanor, flare was a unique mashima character


Always nice to see a underrated waifu get some love