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When I was on Deviantart, and even on Hentai-Foundry, the artwork with the popular characters generated the most views/favorites/likes

As my patrons, what do you guys/gals prefer?

For example: if I drew Naruto, do you guys generally prefer artwork with the most popular girls like Hinata, Tsunade and Sakura? or do you prefer to see other (lesser) characters like Kiba's sister and mother, Sasuke's mother, Fuu and others?

I plan to find a balance of the two as I would like to please both parties but I am really curious on peoples opinion.

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the feedback!



Prefer major characters but have no objection to minor characters.


I'm mostly fine with variety here and there; nothing really against it.


Major character here and maybe a mix up withe minor characters :D Like Tsunade and the kiba sisters :D


a mix would be nice just not to much maybe major with the lesser known ones


I do love variety, cause a lot of my favorite character designs aren't the main characters. Plus, the less popular characters are so rarely shown that it is always a welcome treat to see pics of them


I'm fine either way, though I do tend towards the more popular characters.


Variety, gives me a surprise here and there.


I'm not an artist myself, but I do agree with the saying "Variety is the Spice of Life". And he who controls the Spice controls the Universe!


I think it depends on whether or not they look good in the image. Temari isn't really on my radar, but in this pic damn. <a href="http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Ero-Enzo/425775/Sakura-Hinata-Temari-and-Tenten" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Ero-Enzo/425775/Sakura-Hinata-Temari-and-Tenten</a> I think characters that aren’t as recognized still have fans, and will be more excepted if you put them next to more noticed characters as an introduction.


mmm... as an artist I think the variety is better... of course it is my humble opinion


I think adding variety would really make you stand out as an artist. A lot of people will only draw the popular characters, since they're the ones a lot of people demand (which makes total sense, nothing wrong with giving people what they want), but some of these minor characters are really hard to find art of at all. So yeah.


I sent a question on tumblr


Nothing wrong with the popular characters, though the lesser characters could use some more love.


I prefer the popular girls with some less popular of course. Hard not to love easy ones like Rangiku/Erza. I'm sure everyone has a less popular character that they favor a lot alongside the main loved girls. (Mine probably being Hikifune for ex)


Honestly, I prefer a mix of popular and less popular; everyone has their own favorites though. Some like the popular ones, some like the less popular and a majority favor both ends.


Both, but the "lesser" is a good choice. Get to see new stuff.


As much as I love seeing Lucy and Hinata, I'd love to see some less popular characters.


main characters definitely! side characters are nice too. would love to see some nico robin, boa hancock, and some brandish from FT!


Variety is always nice. The world has enough people making main characters sexy.