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Hey everyone, I'm making a post to give a little update on myself. I'm just... mentally exhausted right now. I feel like I've been burning the candle at both ends.  I'm unable to focus for long stretches of time and been fatiguing much easier now that I'm burnt out.

So I'm making this post to inform the patrons of these tiers that I will be taking July off from doing requests in order to rest. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

To my other patrons, this will NOT affect July's posting schedule or your tiers.

To my 50/100 Tier Patrons, please don't feel pressured to stay subscribed if you don't want to.  I wouldn't want anyone to feel they are not getting the value they are contributing. I appreciate every single one of your supports.  However if you do choose to stay, I am immensely grateful. It's my hope that this little gap in July will give me the opportunity to catch up on a lot of uncolored sketches since there won't be any new art made for that month.  I know some people have been waiting awhile for em and I thank you for your patience.

Additionally, I will be adding new previews before or during the first week of July so anyone who wants to hold off on voting to see what I add should do that.

Thank you.  👍



Hey man if you need a break take one everyone has a point where they need to relax and keep the mind together


Dont worry about my friend, just relax and take your time.


Take all the time you need, your health always comes first :D

Ivan Tejeda

Much deserved, from what I’ve seen and what you told me before you’ve been at it nonstop

Myku Nailenne

Not a problem, take as long as you need too we know how hard you work


Take your time to chillout and recover :3 everyone deserve a vacation now and then :b


As i've been learning myself, art requires a lot of time and concentration so naturally one needs to take breaks, especially with how good your art it. By all means, rest up and recharge!


A artist always deserves rest to avoid burnout. People have yo understand that.

Guardian Nova

Understandable. Rest up man and hope ya heal soon!


Yeah I try to tough it out but it's been tough the pass month or two. It was time for a break


Oh ya, i've been unfocused and easily distracted which led to lower productivity. I appreciate your support man


Thank you Silver, I will try. Going to take July easy and try to get back to my old groove.


Yeah lol. It's a grind. And every month things reset again so I start over.


Thank you Michael, I will try and come back healthier than before. 👍


Thank you for understanding Brandon. I feel bad for taking a break but I can't stay productive the way I currently am.


Hey man, glad you're taking the time to recover.


With all the amazing artwork you give us, you deserve to take some time off. Get as much rest as you need Rtenzo.


im a new patron and i love all your artworks


Thank you Fish! I hope you like what I have in stores for July! 🤩


Thank you Adam! Thanks for understanding, I look forward to drawing your ideas again

Caleb draper

Your the man of ur own life. Have a good one. 😁


It’s totally fine enzo. You’ve been working hard nonstop producing tons of art each month so you’ve defiantly deserve this break. Relax, read and catch up on some manga you’ve been meaning to get to and so on.


It doesn't matter what you do in life, recovery time is ESSENTIAL.


Perfectly understandable. You've been working hard for a while now; a break is a good idea. Rest up and take as much time as you need.


Thank you for understanding Soul. I'm gonna try to take it easy and come back refreshed in August.

Chicken McDoofus

Take all the time you need! Health is more important than anything


Take care of you, is the most important !!!