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Hey guys, Just an update that I shut down discord server for now. It was an interesting experience but I am unable to run a public forum on my own at this time. With real life as it is, I have been more occupied with RL as I mentioned in a post about 2 weeks ago.  I may do a Patreon discord in the future if people like that since that might be way easier to manage, but for now Discord isn't something I can manage right now

Edit: Oh ya, and thank you for those who enjoyed the server and participated! I had a lot of fun chattin with ya. 



yeah, so that's why many people tend to get some guys they trust on board and make them mods for the server. Good luck for the whole discord thingy the next time you try it.


Including me there was 4 mods, but since it was voluntary, I couldn't ask them to moderate more than they already have. I'll probably make a patreon discord in the future. Having a smaller audience is way easier to manage I feel


Damn, i'm sorry to hear. I was worried when I woke up and it wasn't there anymore. Hope you're doing good though man :)