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Maihime and Xavier from Welcome to BSU! (my OC series)

Pose: Cowgirl + Groping

Version(s): Makeup, Cum, Makeup + Cum

Image Folder: [LINK]

Accompanying Fanfiction: [Date Between Two Otakus]

(Note: For certain tiers, Higher rezzes still on Dropbox! I'll still post this version on there too)

Let me know what you think of the picture!




Nice is Xavier an OC of yours as well or otherwise?


Brother just seeing this in a general sense is making me want to go back to drawing again on Principle …no caps not leaving alone the fact I’ve ran into a few artists that made art with your Boy X as the main male character


Great work as always cant wait to see him in anothrr scene with sara or one with another grrat girl


Must be a common appearance? the character was originally commissioned by my friend, so were using our characters for BSU.


Dem some cute freckles, the chubby belly is also cute. Very nice


Has to be. Or some kind of coincidence. But aside from that BS, still a delicate piece of work