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So once again I must adapt in order to survive~

Since I can't post NSFW content anymore on Tumblr, I am letting everyone know that moving forward I will be sending people links to view their Patreon reward.  Check your messages for the new info!

Let me know what you think?



stupid tumblr and their stupid rules and stupid managment!!! damn gota make a twitter account now...oh well. Also like the link system ya put up :3 looking good for me atleast :D


Amazing Work Man I hated Tumblr I hope they died

Jinchuuriki Jay

Tumblr was always a cesspool of bullshit but this is a new low even for them. But to your idea sounds awesome! That begs the question will you be still posting the updates of a new release on patreon ? Those are great !

Ivan Tejeda

The only thing you got to be careful of when posting links on patreon is I’ve heard people subscribe, grab content, and then unsubscribe so they don’t spend any money

Ivan Tejeda

But I also like this Dropbox link with all the content from that month it’s honestly better then going all the way to trash ass tumblr


lol well that will most likely be the case after Dec 17th...


lol I am not so worried since my Patreon is set to pay to join.


Yes, everyone is going to twitter, its a good place to follow artists and other interests

Ivan Tejeda

One actually question, Will you be doing separate posts for teirs that have higher res access or how will that work?


So no more tumblr then?


Tumblr is banning all NSFW content from its platform, so yes.


I have so many people I follow there that are going to get banned, or close down there pages, it's sad, and infuriating, there are a bunch of toxic SJWs who swarm all over that place, and tumbler is instead removing the only good reason to go there.


I do know there's a petition going around to undo the changes I Tumblr made.


Yup but just like everything else that gives into the SJW’s bitching and backwards practices will see their collapse much more sooner than later, and they all learn the hard way, Once everything goes south


Won’t be surprised when they start hitting the peak of their collapse, I’ll give Tumblr 2 weeks before they have to shut down that platform completely (that’s only if they even last the first week, which I greatly doubt it) we all know people weren’t on tumblr to read a bunch of Snowflakes ramble on about their feelings, or crap that offends them. Or see crappy uninteresting “art” they “created”. I’ve seen people give more credit to sims mods, versus anything (if not everything) that has to do with their agenda


I think it will turn out just fine, makes it easier to get it all at once instead of downloading several files over the course of a month. People who are pledged to the tier with the tumblr should grab what they want from it while it's still up.


Not suprised the least. They probably won't admit to it but this is without question the work of those SJW who can't grow up. Sigh.... I quit using patreon because of their earlier fuck up with the new chargerates and ever since I prefer using paypal. Besides if I'm correct you get more money that way since the paypal cut is alot smaller than patreon. And now I have to quit using tumblr aswell because of some stupid SJW pressure. Besides, since your patreon reward accounts on tumblr are password protected shouldn't they be fine? Well my question is, how will this work for someone that is not supporting you via patreon like myself? Since I'm not on the list of subcribers on patreon. I truly hope everything sorts itself out.


i have change the pledge to view the pictures actually i am in the basic tier 1$ with in this mouth as soon i change that


Tumblr final countdown <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw</a>


I don't think any NSFW content can be posted going forward. I also rather just leave the platform all together. Maybe occasionally posted updates.


Well I guess that's that then. Tumblr is going woke. And they will go broke right after.


I just saw the message and the link, thank you. But I have a suggestion if I may. It's better if you categorise everything into months. So everything released in november is in folder and december in one folder etc. It would make it alot easier for you to keep track of everything I think.


What about stories and the archive?


To be honest. I like (and heavily prefer) this direction. I get E-mails that update me when you post new content (which is freaking awesome). I didn't like to keep diving into tumblr blindly to see if there were any updates. You have my full support and hopefully soon I will be able to contribute more as a sub in the near future!


Never mind, I forgot that the stories and archive were on your site and not tumblr. My bad. ^^;