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Hey guys, I got some updates!

-The first is that for the month of December and (maybe) January, I will be putting the voting on pause so I can post some pieces I think people will enjoy.  Once the voting resumes, the previews will be updated with new pieces in which Patrons can vote on!

-The second is an update on the Robin and Erza animation.  I wanna apologize to the people looking forward to those, I doubt Greengiant2012 will be completing them anytime soon.  I've been having greater difficulty getting in touch with him, and I get the feeling he is uninterested in general, he is also less active on Deviantart.  Which is a shame.  I really apologize for the inconvenience.  For now, I will continue to keep poking him for progress. 

-The third is about my Patreon.  As some of you have noticed, I've been posting pics on here.  I am mainly doing this so people do not think I post nothing on my Patreon since my content is hosted off site. Also as one user pointed out, it helps alert people when I have posted something new and reminds them to check the tumblr.


Ivan Tejeda

Hmmmmm “pieces that people will enjoy” is it what I think it’s is


Hey as long as you are the one posting work I’m not gonna glitch about the animations. I’m supporting you for the image packages you post anyway. You never know greengiant is probably just taking a break don’t sweat it. Believe it or not at some point I used to support artists who wouldn’t anything for months, atleast you have consistency. And second if any of us really wanted greengiants work that badly (no offense) we would be paying him monthly. No cap fam


Keep up the great work :)


Really appreciate it Sesshomaru. Stuff in Greengiant's life is taking his attention away from art, positive stuff. But that also means less time to do the animations sadly. And you are right about his art.


Looking forward to all the new pieces and previews in the future! Always excited to see new stuff from you as it never disappoints!


The preview posting on Patreon is a good idea, certainly helps me keep track


I'm really looking forward to the animations.