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Hey everyone! I hope everyone's October is going well.

Quick update on the results of the voting poll... Usually I post all the pics in the last two weeks of the month however, I will be extending that to the 16th of the following month where the next poll ends.  I am implementing this change to make the posting schedule easier on myself so I don't have to dump everything in a week or so.  This way, there is a steady stream of content that will last until the next voting results.  This also makes it easier for my story writers to do stories for the pictures since they now have a little bit more time.

For anyone wanting an animation update, Greengiant2012 has been having personal life issues that has been delaying the animation from being completed but I am optimistic that there will be one done in November. 

Does anyone have any questions related or unreleated? Lemme know if you do. 



I hope everything goes well for greengiant2012 ono

Jinchuuriki Jay

It's defintely understandable and great that you want to give story writers more time to write fics putting more detail, finish8ng touches etc etc for the pictures stories. Just hopefully the wait for pics isn't entire weeks long for one top voted picture just to be released when thier can still be a paetron exclusive pictures that can still be released for the site. You know, for only the paetrons 👍

Jinchuuriki Jay

Also my full support to GG on a success fully recovery in whatever he's having issues with. Take as much time as you need !


Love this idea. Being more consistent with less pressure is a good way to go.