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So the past couple of weeks I've received numerous messages regarding Tumblr and how various users are having issues viewing my art.  Is this still the case? Please let me know.  To my understanding, Yahoo recently made a change to Tumblr that marks NSFW blogs such as mine with a NSFW filter.  And the only way to disable I think is to actually make a tumblr account and to disable 'Safe Mode' in your settings.  



Another error that appears is that you are unable to use the "archive" function. Even with an account I keep getting alot of "to many connections" error. This also affects the archive function making it unable to load. Even if you remove cookies to reset the adress it makes little to no difference. Just thought you might wanna know this. edit: After some testing it seems to occur less now. Hopefully it works out.


Yeah, I can't even get to the page myself either.


thats discouraging, I'll need to ask people for suggestions.

Profe MacKnight

I could view the start page before, and couldnt see the 'archive' page. So, i removed all cookies from my history and relogged into tumbler acc. Went to settings and activated safe mode, let it save and then turned it off again. Now i can view archive again :) my problem solved this way. (I use Chrome)