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Wall  plaques featuring the monster’s face were used as protection, and a  number of them survive from antiquity. I used this example from the city  of Ur (plaque dates to approx. 2000 BCE) as a base for a computer  illustration, which is then turned into 11 individual layers designed to  show the 3D nature of the original.

It’s  a little too thick, I think. They eyebrows come up too high, and the  design needs tweaking…but overall I’m very pleased with it. I’m planning  on making them in cedar (seems appropriate for the guardian of the cedar forest!) and having them for sale in our upcoming Etsy shop!




Looks good.


If your laser can cut like a Dremel, maybe you can round out the nose, teeth, eyebrows and cheeks on future sculptures. I love how it looks now ... just making recommendations. Do you have an etsy store? (Sorry ... new here, so I haven't found a link quite yet)


It can't sadly :( but definitely something to think about in the future, if we expand the workshop. No Etsy store yet - but I'm planning on launching one on November 1st! I'll be posting the link as soon as it's up and running.