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Happy 2021, and welcome to those of you who joined recently; we're glad to have you on board! 

Unfortunately, due to the on-going pandemic, things are still not as productive in the DH household as I'd like :( Surprisingly, supervising two children in virtual school, and keeping the three year old distracted enough so that he doesn't gatecrash his sister's classes is not terribly conducive to research or to video creation! It's really frustrating because I feel like my brain is just overflowing with things I want to do, and I can't do any of them. 

Having said that, there are some things in the works that I'm excited about! First, I've been working with the non-profit, Save Ancient Studies Alliance, to host a virtual conference in August. We're soliciting paper submissions now, and hopefully it should be a great event! Second, I've just had a book proposal accepted for an edit volume that I'm planning on having published in early 2022, so I'm contacting people for chapter submissions. I'm really excited about this, and it will be available as a free PDF download when it's been published! Third and finally, I'm working on some illustrations for merchandise. Illustration is about the one thing I can do with a three year old running around manically, so I'm trying to get as much done as I can. I'm going to be uploading the lineart here as colouring sheets, as a "thank you" for your continued support during what is a very unproductive time for us. Ultimately, all of these illustrations will be used in a book I'm planning, an "Illustrated Mesopotamian Mythology". That one's going to take a while because I want to translate through the material myself, before adapting it for modern readers. 




Best just take things as they come at the moment. Any content is better than none. Thanks to you both.


I really appreciate that, Lawrence, thank you :) Josh actually just pointed out that I can take material from the book he's writing and work it into scripts, which is actually a lot easier than starting a new research project!