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The Mystery of Cuneiform, or, Deciphering a Dead Script

The Mystery of Cuneiform, or, Deciphering a Dead Script - how do we know what cuneiform even says, anyway? How did scholars get from complete confusion when confronted with these little wedges to being able to provide complete translations? Bibliography and Sources: Archives in Context, Traders, Travellers, Treasure hunters and the birth of Near Eastern Archaeology (https://bit.ly/2xzS4gh). British Museum, Writing (https://bit.ly/2LITVaG) Burnouf, M. E. 1836. 'Mémoire sur deux inscriptions cunéiformes trouvées près d'Hamadan et qui font maintenant partie des papiers du dr Schulz' (https://bit.ly/2YCUPt6). Cathcart, K. J. 2011. 'The Earliest Contributions to the Decipherment of Sumerian and Akkadian' (https://bit.ly/2JnxDKc). CDLI:wiki, Decipherment of Cuneiform (https://bit.ly/2yGyobH) Cooper, J. 1991. 'Posing the Sumerian Question: Race and Scholarship in the Early History of Assyriology'. Finkel, I. and J. Taylor, 2015. 'Cuneiform'. Foster, B. 2006. 'The Beginnings of Assyriology in the United States' (https://bit.ly/2xCNC0a). Fox Talbot, H. 1861. 'Translation of Some Assyrian Inscriptions', in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 18 p. 35-105 (https://bit.ly/2XFioVP). Fox Talbot, W. H., E. Hincks, J, Oppert, and H. C. Rawlinson, 1861. 'Comparative Inscriptions', in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 18 p. 150-219 (https://bit.ly/2XFiyMV). Grotefend, G. F. 1815. 'Des Inschriften von Persepolis', in Ideen uber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der vornehmsten V. Lker der Alten Welt', vol. 1 (https://bit.ly/32f354H). Herbert, T. 1638. 'Some Yeares Travels Into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique Describing Especially the Two Famous Empires, the Persian and Great Mogull' (https://bit.ly/2G3jCPw). Hincks, E. 1846. 'On the three Kinds of Persepolitan Writing, and on the Babylonian Lapidary Characters', in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 21 p. 233-248 (https://bit.ly/2Jn2why). Hincks, E. 1846. 'On the First and Second Kinds of Persepolitan Writing', in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 21 p. 114-131 (https://bit.ly/2XQScXo). Hincks, E. 1849. 'On the Khorsabad Inscriptions', in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 22 p. 3-72 (https://bit.ly/2LHEhwn) Hincks, E. 1849. 'On the Assyrio-Babylonian Phonetic Characters', in the Transations of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 22 p. 293-370 (https://bit.ly/2xzIoSR) Hincks, E. 1857. 'On the relation between the newly-discovered Accadian Language and the Indo-European, Semitic, and Egyptian Languages; with remarks on the original values of certain Semitic Letters, and on the state of the Greek Alphabet at different periods', in the Report of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science p. 134- 143 (https://bit.ly/2Jmel7L). Kuhrt, A. 2007. 'The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources from the Achaemenid Period' (https://bit.ly/2NGIS4y) Larsen, M. T. 1996. 'The Conquest of Assyria: Excavations in an Antique Land, 1840-1860'. Larsen, M. T. 1997. 'Hincks Versus Rawlinson: The decipherment of the cuneiform system of writing: The decipherment of the cuneiform system of writing', in Ultra terminum vagari: Scritti in onore di Carl Nylander. p. 339-356. Lassen, C. 1836. 'Die altpersischen Keil-Inschriften von Persepolis' (https://bit.ly/30iFJJF). Meade, C. W. 1974. 'Road to Babylon: Development of U.S. Assyriology' (https://bit.ly/2XARKrU0). Niebuhr, C. 1778. 'Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern, Volume 2' (https://bit.ly/2Xxa2dP). ORACC, Lexical Texts (https://bit.ly/2XvCcpr) Pallis, S. A. 1956. 'The Antiquity of Iraq' (https://bit.ly/2JBSw3g). Purchas, S. 1614. 'Purchas his pilgrimage : or Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discovered, from the creation unto this present. In foure parts' (https://bit.ly/2xDz7t6). Rawlinson, H. C. 1847. 'The Persian Cuneiform Inscription at Behistun, decyphered and translated; with a Memoir on Persian Cuneiform Inscriptions in general, and on that of Behistun in Particular', in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. x, o. 187-349. Sayce, A. H. 1908. 'The Archaeology of the Cuneiform Inscriptions' (https://bit.ly/2YGC73N). 𒀭Support Digital Hammurabi!𒀭 Patreon – https://bit.ly/2EJVEdj PayPal - https://bit.ly/2PUp49A Shirts and Swag – https://bit.ly/2QKAuSH Amazon Wishlist – https://amzn.to/2CsDhak Website – https://bit.ly/2V0ZaVw Twitter – https://bit.ly/2T6uJLV Contact – digitalhammurabi@gmail.com Music: Brak Bnei Original Composition



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