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Finally, the next installment of our video series summation of Van De Miroops 'A History of the Ancient Near East'. It took a little longer than intended because I took the opportunity to draw some more animated characters to help illustrate :D


Damn the Bureaucracy!

The development of cities in Mesopotamia went hand-in-hand with the creation of writing - and bureaucracy. In fact, one of the best sources of evidence we have for ancient Mesopotamia is the detritus left by the bureaucratic apparatus! In this video, Megan summarizes the relationship between craft specialization, urbanization, and bureaucracy in ancient Mesopotamia. The information contained in this video comes from Marc Van de Mieroop's book, 'A History of the Ancient Near East' - it's inexpensive and available on Amazon, so go and buy it! Image credits: Animesopotamian illustrations created by and copyright to Megan Lewis. Please do not reproduce without permission. 𒀭Support Digital Hammurabi!𒀭 Patreon – https://bit.ly/2EJVEdj PayPal - https://bit.ly/2PUp49A Shirts and Swag – https://bit.ly/2QKAuSH Amazon Wishlist – https://amzn.to/2CsDhak Website – https://bit.ly/2V0ZaVw Twitter – https://bit.ly/2T6uJLV Contact – digitalhammurabi@gmail.com ---------- For general information and sources relating to the Ancient Near East, we recommend these websites: ABZU - https://bit.ly/2Cr1A8u (collection of free and open-access data) University of Chicago Oriental Institute - https://bit.ly/2RcIiMl (great collection of free books and articles) Livius.org - https://bit.ly/2Gzj5rx (general encyclopedia on the ancient world) ETCSL - https://bit.ly/2QJsAZS (Sumerian literature) ORACC - https://bit.ly/2QJsL7u (collection of projects relating to Mesopotamia) EPSD - https://bit.ly/2PY99aw (Online Sumerian dictionary) CDLI - https://cdli.ucla.edu (Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative) ---------- Music: Brak Bnei Original Composition



Nice video, Megan and thanks for teaching me a new word- animesopotamia . 😆