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So... First of all... Happy New Year! 

This is the first Dev Log in 2024 on SG & well... 

My focus is completely on getting Season 1 out. All that is left is the Basketball game in Chapter 2 & the end of the college day. 

Afterward, I'll need to translate the rest of the game into German... Which is surprisingly awkward due to all the Ä, Ö, Ü and ß.  

Until I started the translation, I wasn't aware of how often we use these letters in the German language. It's awkward because I have to write them as (ä = ae) and so on.  

Then postwork & the final testing. The testing will be a little bit more intense because I have to make sure that the "Save porting" function works before I publish the full. 

I did run into some issues with the VRAM again. I tried to layer it by rendering half of the college scene and then fuse them in Photoshop later... But I had so many people in the scene, that they fucked up the shadows... 

I tried to render it on the WiAB PC, but it lacks a lot of assets SG's Workstation has... So, I'm still hunting down all the assets it's missing. 

I mentioned some new scenes for Chapter 2, and I can show some of them without spoiling anything. 

Those are just two of the new additions. I think there are four or five new scenes. (Without adding all the additional content to the old scenes.) 

It often feels like a punch in the face whenever I see old Chapter 2 renders. And the Basketball scene in Chapter 2 is one of the worst-looking scenes. 

That was also the first time I ever encountered the VRAM problem in SG.  


It gets worse when the actual game begins... 

New. (Ayua with a new hairstyle. I love this one.) 

I have more renders of the Basketball scene, but just as I was looking for what to show as previews... I saw that I didn't like the lighting in a few of the renders and decided to just show these two. 

The environment is quite challenging and unforgiving when you want to light in a cinematic way. I'm gonna take another look at them. (I love a challenge.)  

I took a few days off after I returned home from the family trip, and the end of the year/start of the year is always a bureaucratic nightmare.  All the bills come, you've got to finish your Annual financial statement with your tax office, bla bla bla... Exhausting. 

I will soon see if an RL friend can do my postwork in the future. That would already be a good timesafe... But it's tricky... I'm not sure if he sees the renders like I do. 

So my hopes are not that high. As I often decide on the fly what needs to happen to the render. Or realize I have to redo render X or Z. 

We'll see. 

I hope it'll work out. 

The goal is still to get Season 1 out in January. 

- Ocean 




Bitte sei nicht verärgert über meine Frage, Ocean, aber ist deine Zielgruppe im deutschsprachigen Raum so groß, dass du das Spiel noch auf Deutsch übersetzen möchtest? Soweit ich das verstanden habe, arbeitest du alleine an beiden Projekten und trägst bereits eine enorme Last auf deinen Schultern...


Hey Winterstale, Season 1 wird von mir auf Deutsch übersetzt & wird unteranderem auch auf Deutch auf Steam veröffentlicht. Season 2 wird leider nicht im Deutschsprachigem Steam-Raum verfügbar sein. (Da es dann die Adult Rating erhält. Aber ich werde trotzdem am Ende jeder Season diese auf Deutsch übersetzen. Diese werden jedoch auf Patreon verfügbar sein. Korrekt, ich arbeite alleine an beiden Projekten. Aber keine Sorge, das wird schon. :)

Danny Ng

where can i play the game as a winter sub?