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I am moving soon to a new place to live. It wasn't my choice due to the expense of it all (Possibly need to hire movers, I will owe more rent, and need to buy new appliances and furniture, but I am kind of forced to go along with it or be homeless, so there isn't much choice for me. I don't quite make enough to get my own place or stay where I am, so I just have to deal with it best I can.

It will be sometime between December and February likely, still looking for and applying to places. Applied to one so far but no response yet.

So! I will be busy when it comes time to move, but don't worry about Patreon!

I am working hard right now to prepare content ahead of time! I will finish November's work then move right to December and January content as soon as possible and have it all made ahead of time.

So, I will be super busy these few months, but just know you will still get guaranteed content from me every month~

The move will cost money and of course I need extra for new appliances/furniture etc, so I may decide soon to add another tier to my Patreon (might not be until after the move), maybe a $15 tier where I guarantee a second outfit every month instead of the random bonus I do now where I add a second outfit sometimes but it isn't guaranteed.

I have to think it over to make sure I am capable of offering that much every month though due to my health being very poor a lot, so please bear with me!

We also ended up with 2 more cats to take care of (wasn't my choice due to expense, but I of course love them anyway!) so the extra tier income would help with food and care for them as well. I just hope my health can handle the extra work!

I have cute cat pics!

If you follow my twitter I think you might already know my bad kitty

These two new girls moved right in, they are sisters!

They all really like this hand-me-down cat tree!

Anyway! Thank you for taking the time to read all of this to keep up to date with me!

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me thus far with my work, it means the world to me, and I wouldn't be doing better or where I am now without you all and the kindness you have shown me! <3





Always appreciate your hard work and the beautiful mods that comes from it. Sorry to hear it's not really a move you wanted but I hope it all goes well. And please take care of yourself!