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Streamable link: https://streamable.com/c7onxd

As should be obvious in my intro ramble,
this was recorded immediately after the episode 4 reaction.
I also mentioned wanting to record more the next day...

Alas, this was on the eve of the UK heatwave striking.
I spent the last couple of weeks suffering,
and I was unable to do much of anything.

But now the hot spell is over.
I can resume uploading, so yay! :)


Luffy Reacts - Once Upon a Time S4E05 - Breaking Glass

Streamable link: https://streamable.com/c7onxd Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Luffyiscool Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/luffyiscool Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBeardIsCool Discord: https://discord.gg/69zV7BW Patron links: Atticus: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTq1J-QdBoqyluZSxrhg4kw Flaminia - https://www.youtube.com/user/RaxasTheVenom Supermonaman - https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperMonaman Toni: https://www.youtube.com/user/xXDisneyFanChick1Xx


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Breaking Glass- Thank you for another fun reaction for Once Upon a Time, my friend! I enjoy this episode. It's not among my favorites within this Frozen arc, but I really do enjoy this episode a lot! First... My favorite scenes within this episode... as you might imagine, are the two moments between Killian and Emma. They're both so cute and they are even more adorable together. I just absolutely love their moments together!! And in this episode, we first have Killian carrying in some boxes like Emma asked him to collect for her. And that goodbye kiss he gives Emma on the cheek... Absolutely adorable! And then in the end, we have another cute moment between them as Killian asks to see some of Emma's things from her past, and she finds the strength in herself to show him things that remind her of the difficult times in her life. Killian is the one person she can open up to, because Killian has always been the one person who brings out the best in Emma. He gives her strength unlike anyone else has ever been able to do. Henry has too, but Killian is the one who has been able to break down her protective walls that have kept Emma so closed off from everyone for so long. Especially when it comes to Emma finding romantic love again. It's beautiful! Their relationship is beautiful because they both help to bring out the best in one another, in spite of their mistakes. And I absolutely love seeing them cuddle, especially in the end scene as Killian lovingly wraps his arm around Emma's shoulders while she holds his hand. So beautiful! But, to backtrack a little... I really love the storyline between David and Mary Margaret as well. Is it a misuse of justice for Mary Margaret to have pardoned Will just like that? Maybe, but then the laws in Storybrooke aren't exactly the same as they are out in the real world. Never have been. There are different rules, because there are different circumstances. Magic and such! :) But with this being said... I really love how David finally convinces his wife to go out on a date with him, while they leave baby Neal in Belle's care. I can certainly understand Mary Margaret's struggle to let him go for a while because of all they've been through with losing their children. First with Emma because of the Evil Queen and her dark curse, and then with Neal because of Zelena. I definitely can understand Mary Margaret's struggle. But I love that David is finally able to convince her to join him. And in regards to the meaning behind David's little joke or tease about Asgard, in case you didn't understand the nod... This is funny because Josh Dallas co-starred in the first Thor movie within the Marvel Universe as Fandral, one of the Warriors Three and Thor's closest friends. This is a nice nod to Thor and to the Marvel movies. And I love it!! :) Now... Sadly, Mary Margaret continues to struggle while they're out, and she can't shake the feeling that she needs to go back home to be with her son. David is thankfully understanding and tells her that he will continue to look for the thief, Will Scarlet, who broke out from the jail. And then... I love how Mary Margaret comes to assume once she finds Will on the beach, that David set Will free as a ruse to help pull his wife out of her funk. And Will's reactions to Mary Margaret and how he interacts with her are hilarious! This beach scene between Mary Margaret and Will is very funny and cute. And I love how quick Will was to state that David had set him free once Mary Margaret spoke her thoughts out loud too. :) And in the end... We also have a lovely scene between David and Mary Margaret again, as she thanks her husband for helping her, and David shows her how much he supports and loves his wife after of course he admits that he hadn't set it up for Will to escape so she could find him again. I just love how Mary Margaret is able to find a part of herself again. So sweet! This moment between David and Mary Margaret is absolutely adorable, and it's easily another of my favorite moments throughout this episode! I just absolutely love them together!! :) As for the Snow Queen... Like I've said before, I really love her as a villainess and I love how she speaks in her soft eerie voice. Elizabeth Mitchell is absolutely amazing in this role!! And I really, really love the mystery behind her character! I also really love, love, love the scenes between Emma and Regina throughout this episode's main storyline. I'm kind of annoyed by Regina's attitude towards Emma, and how she constantly goes on and on about how no one has ever been there for her, when we've seen otherwise. I'm annoyed more so just because I love their friendship so much!! Although... Regina's anger towards Emma is definitely understandable too. Nonetheless, I especially love the end scene between them when Emma finally tells Regina that she hasn't been trying to help Regina to ease her own conscience, but to prove to Regina that she wants to be Regina's friend. And finally... Regina understands and sees the genuine truth in Emma's eyes. I also really love the moment when Emma and Regina combine their powers together to fight against and defeat the Snow Queen's giant snowman. A dark version of Marshmallow from Frozen, and this season's premiere episode, titled... A Tale of Two Sisters too. This shows just how powerful these women are together, so long as they stand together and united. Unfortunately, the Snow Queen appears to them seconds after the snowman is destroyed, and attacks both Emma and Regina. And were it not for Elsa appearing to save them, who knows just how far the Snow Queen would have gone? I love how the Snow Queen tests Elsa, in hope of showing Elsa that she is stronger than she believes herself to be by helping her to fight through her fear. And Elsa succeeds. Unfortunately, the Snow Queen hopes to use Elsa's strength for her own gain, and she uses Regina's and Emma's brief show of weakness to steal what she had been after all along throughout this episode, as well as Sidney's betrayal towards Regina. And she steals Regina's compact mirror for which she later uses to enact a new dark spell upon creating a magic mirror of her own. Not good! As for Sidney's appearance and his betrayal... I've never really cared much for Sidney's character at all throughout this show because he has always just acted as Regina's patsy and he's been weak, in spite of me really liking how he is the Evil Queen's Magic Mirror. However, in this episode... I actually commend his character for showing strength against Regina at last, even though this would be when we are supposed to want him to stand with Regina and Emma too. Sidney turning against Regina is what the Evil Queen would deserve, were Regina still the Evil Queen. Unfortunately, he chooses when we all love Regina to betray her. However, I like this twist that finally shows him turn against Regina. And lastly... We have a past storyline between young Emma and a young girl named Lilith, or Lily. I enjoy these scenes as well, and especially how this storyline ties into Emma's present struggle in trying to earn Regina's forgiveness and friendship once again. And I was definitely just as intrigued by the mystery behind this other girl as you are, and her birthmark in the shape of a star. Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot! And I was shocked to see that the Snow Queen's storyline coincides with Emma's past from when she was still in the foster care system. I didn't expect this at all!! What a surprise! Thank you again for more Once Upon a Time, Luffy!!! I can't wait for more! Oh... And kudos to you for guessing a few of this episode's mysteries, dear friend!! Fabulous!! Sincerely, Heidi