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This was one news we wanted to share right when it was announced, but as you all know, we were struggling to put out the major update, so this has been put away in our drawers.
But yeah, back in July, we somehow made into Anime Expo 2023! With the help of Denpasoft, who will assist us on the way to the final release on various distribution websites!
Above is the Denpasoft panel when they announced the partnership in front of the audience, some of which might be among us!
It was still kind of surreal to see our game being shown on the far west, which almost all of us haven't been to, and seeing the reaction makes us giggle all the time. Thank you for having interest or even deciding to support us after this presentation!
Details of the western release with the help of Denpasoft will be announced when we have more time to deal with pre-release stuff. Please stay tuned!

*The release date on the presentation is tentative and subject to change.


其實我們的小多蘿在七月曾經偷偷渡海前往洛杉磯,參加美國代表性的動漫博覽會「Anime Expo 2023」喔!





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