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Hello everyone. I'm Hanji, producer of Ason.
I'm not sure if I have ever introduced myself here, and some of you probably already know my name. Not that this is important or anything. Anyways, thank you all for your support.


After the initial release of v0.82, we continue to work on bug fixes. The latest v0.82f version should have gotten rid of the majority of problems, as well as dealt with performance issues that have existed for a long time, depending on different hardwares.
Additionally, we added the Russian translation generously provided by one dedicated fan. Delivering translations for over 6-digit words is everything but an easy task, so to our Russian-speaking players, please give a big hand to @UnVillainNot.


Now that we're in the endgame, both gameplay-wise and story-wise, some of you should have your own interpretation of what is actually going on in "This World."
We have our new character, Stanga, in the house. Get it? The "Safehouse?" Okay. But what she brings to the crew are definitely sunshine and rainbows. We're also finally near the castle to the Monster Lord. What lead Lugh and the others to where they are now? And what exactly will this madness take them?
The "final stretch" for Cursed Blacksmith will not be easy for us, and it would still take some time for us to deliver, but no worries, the end of the tunnel does exist.
Besides development for the game, we're also preparing the new trailer with some original music. We hope the end result will be good.


OK, now it's time to ramble about my personal life and such. If you don't mind, then please join me for my incredibly long TXD talk.



This major update took way too long time than any of us have predicted, from March 2022 to August 2023. We couldn't thank too much to every single one of the supporters that haven't given up on us. You are the sole reason we are still in one piece.
I mentioned in the last time I did this that it had been disaster after disaster, and that just kept on coming during this 18 months, keeping us from fast and steady progress.


For me, I got the global sensation that is Covid last April. In addition to the anal fistula, I also had to suffer from throat pain, coughs, fever and such.
With all the stuffs happening in my body, not to mention the usual back pain and such, I have no choice but to start taking care of it by proper exercising and diet control.
Unbelievable, I know, but I fear if I don't start right now, I will be at the finish line of my life before the game does.


What I do need to worry though is that in February 2023, I got into a car accident, after I went to a medical checkup on my fistula. Great.
My left foot is injured for a while, and while I am already walking well now, it's still a bit swelling, making it uncomfortable for me to stand and/or sit for too long.


But nothing stops the gain! After starting the exercise, I can say that I'm a bit more healthy. Exhibit A, my Ring Fit records. Not impressive, I know, but still.


That said, these exercises only help relieve my back pain, which has been an old pal of mine. And when I was trying to put this update together, my spine felt different. It aches a bit when I sit for too long.
This is a brand new problem, making me more anxious than before, but the X-rays show no anomaly. So there's nothing I can do for now besides some muscle relaxants and running to other hospitals and rehab. Here's to hope that everything goes well.


It's funny sometimes every single thing goes wrong at the most unexpected timing. Whether it's physical or mental damage, whether it's life giving me lemons or a hammer to my foot, I have to say, at one time I was devastated, thinking that I might not be able to make it.
And that applies to all of our members as well. We have one that was constantly disturbed by their family and had to move out to work; we have one that got fired from their daytime job and had a mess to take care of; we have one whose family almost got bankrupt; we have one that had to do overtime constantly and couldn't help with the project steadily. Crap just happens throughout the whole year, man.
But even after all this, after our slow development, after our gradual lack of content on the websites, the supporters are still here keeping us alive. Some fans reached out to me directly and gave me encouragement. You have given us both bread and morale support, which, I repeat, means the world to this whole project, to all of us.
Remember what I said about the end of the tunnel does exist? You enlightened me about that.
We might not do things in the most optimal way, but I believe that we are going the right path.


I don't know if I mentioned this, but after Steam openly welcome adult games, the simplest solution to most of our problems is just throw this whole project away and start shooting out easy cash-grabbing lewd games. We didn't. And you are the reason why we have stayed on this path. We'll make sure the promise is fulfilled.
I know I have been very dramatic throughout this post, but these are all my true feelings. To the long-time fans, to the patrons feeding us, to the players anticipating Cursed Blacksmith, I truly hope my sincerity is delivered.



Now, back to some brief business lessons.
As I said in the beginning, the end is nigh for the game, but the probability of it being complete by the end of this year seems grim. We are making sure the same quality is held even in late-game, along with the promotion side, the trailer and joining the digital events and whatnot. No sleeping for the crew! I'm just joking, we won't tire ourselves to the extreme.
There is, however, one more issue. Quite some time has passed since we launched our Steam page, and the wishlists has been increasing in a healthy pace. Nevertheless, we heard that games that didn't release for too long after the page launched might have their exposures diminished, impacting the potential result.
Of course, you can imagine our faces when this went into our ears. Still, the game must be completed to be released, obviously. So I guess we just have to do what we do best: keep working on it until it's polished to our standards.
We hope you can keep supporting us. If you have financial issues, please don't push yourself to squeeze out the amount. Your encouragement means as much as your pledges. Spreading the word out also helps us on the long way.



So yeah, that should be it. Thank you for joining my longest TXD talk in the history.
We are going to make some small updates in the future, including Reaper, the final Monster Girl, and some variety on random maps. Please look forward to that.
Once again, none of this would come into fruition, Ason would already be abandoned, and Lugh might forever be stuck in whatever the hell he is in, without every single one of you and your support, no matter the method.
Thank you. To those who have been with me since the first day, now, and in the future.

We'll see you next time!






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