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DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87832909


OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
CPU: Intel Core i5 - 3450 or higher
GPU: GTX 460 or higher
RAM: 6 GB or higher



08/30 19:00 (UTC+8) UPDATE:

★Refresh Rate Limit added in Settings.

Please change this setting according to your monitor's refresh rate if you experience frame drops or other performance issues.

★Russian translation added. A big thank you to dedicated fan @UnVillainNot !
Please note that we still only provide services in English, Japanese and Chinese.
Furthermore, Russian translation may be changed and/or canceled during development.

.Rezia's Potion Brewing adjusted. Invisibility Potion will now only be available after story progresses in Chapter 5.
.Tutorial stage adjusted. During the throwing tutorial, you can no longer forge or strengthen weapons.
.Performance improved to avoid severe frame drops under certain circumstances.
.Fixed the Skill description regarding status

.Fixed the bug where Live2D animations will not run smoothly on certain hardwares.
.Fixed the bug where in Chapter 5, entering and exiting buildings will make the horizon lights on the ground disappear.
.Fixed the bug where in Chapter 5, certain characters duplicate on the map.
.Fixed the bug where in the Chapter 2 Boss battle, the Boss won't show its prepartion move and attack prediction when its body is coming down.
.Fixed the bug where Blast Shadow won't be affected by Friendship Potion.
.Fixed the bug where Experimental Weapon Type-D can't deal damage to other enemies.
.Fixed the bug where Holy Light Formation is not multi-hit attack.
.Fixed the bug where Surging Bounce will only target the ground tiles, even when you are Floating, and when there are no ground tiles around you, the game will softlock.
.Fixed the bug where sound issues will occur in Rezia's H-events.
.ATTEMPTED to fix the bug where the game will softlock for unknown reason.
.ATTEMPTED to fix the bug where exiting the Journal menu will cause the game to crash, showing the "replace" error message.
.ATTEMPTED to fix the bug where under certain circumstances, enemies near the edge of the screen will attack towards nothing.
.Miscellaneous bug fix.

★新增俄語翻譯(感謝粉絲 @UnVillainNot 的熱心提供!)


.修正實驗兵器 D型的攻擊不會對其他敵人造成傷害的BUG

・Additional effects nerfed for Invisibility Potion.
・Heal cooltime by Monks increased.・Positions for several enemies changed so they can be attacked.
・Fixed the bug where after the v0.82d update, some story events don't work properly.
・Fixed the bug where under certain circumstances, the Chapter 3 Boss will be attacked by other enemies.
・Fixed the bug where under certain circumstances, the Chapter 4 Boss will be stuck mid-air and won't return to the map.
・Fixed the bug where Cursed Sword Armor won't deactivate when you are downed.
・Fixed the bug where when you equip weapons with the ability to break walls with normal attacks, you can still break walls and obstacles while in Cursed Sword Armor state.
・Fixed the bug where after activating the additional effect and swap locations with non-boss foes when attacked, you will sometimes be stuck in walls or obstacles.
・Fixed the bug where broken weapons will sometimes still be seen on your hands.
・Miscellaneous bug fix.


・When Illusory Sword Ring is equipped, you will now spend ONLY 1 durability of your weapon whenever you attack, NO MATTER IF YOUR ATTACK HITS.
・Enemy pathfinding optimized for better performance on special maps.
・Fixed the bug where opening the description for several Skills will cause the game to crash. (English Only)
・ATTEMPT to fix the bug regarding the "_frameAmount_x" error.
・Fixed the bug where the campfire at Near the Castle of the Lord can be used multiple times in one run.
・Fixed the bug where Cursed Sword Freeze won't deactivate when you are downed.
・Fixed the bug where Chain to the Throne will respawn.
・Fixed the bug where the horizon lights in Remnants of Moisture and Manor of Sins only drop Soul Pieces.
・Fixed the bug where a certain enemy can't be attacked in Manor of Sins.
・Fixed the bug where Cursed Sword Skills will cost the durability of the weapon you are currently holding.
・Fixed the bug where the prediction for Siren's Vocals is not appropriate.
・Descriptions fixed for several Skills
・Miscellaneous bug fix


・Fixed the bug where Succubus Queen performing certain Skills will cause the game to softlock.
・ATTEMPTED to fix the bug where at the Chapter 4 Boss battle, if you are downed at the same time as the Boss is downed, the Boss will disappear, causing the game to softlock.
・ATTEMPTED to fix the bug where the accessory interface disappears, and equipping accessories when this happens will cause the game to softlock.
・Fixed the bug where the effect of Magic Implementation will disappear after you fo to the Arena.
・Fixed the bug wherethe effect of Magic Implementation can be carried over to Endless Mode.
・Fixed the bug where in the first day of Chapter 5, some characters duplicate on the map.
・Fixed the bug where in the first day of Chapter 5, some characters' portrait can not be shown.
・Miscellaneous visual improvements.


・Fixed the bug where the player will become transparent after the tutorial.
・Fixed the bug where opening the description for Chilling Attack will cause the game to crash.
・Fixed the bug where carrying save files from v0.64 to v0.82 will cause the game to crash.
・Fixed the bug where activating Emergency Save during the beginning of Chapter 4 Boss will cause the game to crash.
・Fixed the bug where leaving the Arena while activating Cursed Sword Freeze will cause the Erosion to not decrease.


Please download the files again if you have before 08/30 19:00 (UTC+8). Apologize for the inconvenience.
若您有在 08/30 19:00 (UTC+8)前下載過此版本,請重新下載以修正以上內容。不便之處,敬請見諒。


I'm not even exaggerating. This is the biggest major update we have done! Which is foreseeable considering how long we have kept you waiting.
You can now finally meet our not-so-mysterious-any-more new character Stanga! As well as fighting another boss, wielding more weapons, and is that an EASY MODE I see!?!?
We hope you enjoy! Now I'll go take a long nap, please call me when it's 2025, thank you.



Producer's Corner:

Hello everyone. Sorry that we are late for a few days.
It's finally over. The major update I mean.
I have so much to spit out about what happened during this past year, but let's leave that for another time. For now, we truly appreciate your undying support and patience, and we hope you enjoy the update.
As always, you are more than welcome to express what you think about the update as well as reporting some bugs we for some reason haven't found, preferrably on the Discord server so we won't miss a thing.
That's all from me for now. Have fun!






New Content:

★ New main character for Chapter 5: Stanga
(VA: Mei Takehaya)
★New H-Event for Rezia, Skewer and Stanga.
・Background added for several H-Event for main characters.
(ALL H-Event for main characters are scheduled to have backgrounds)
・New CG added to Rezia's event in Chapter 2.
・26 new life-changing advices from Doroelle, from battle hints to boss walkthroughs.

★ New Monster Girls added to the Labyrinth:
Hive Slime (VA: Ria Arino)
Succubus Queen (VA:SA.O.RI)
Sage (VA: Hanako Tokiwa)
Valkyrie (VA: Hanako Tokiwa)
Commander (VA: Rio Fujimura)
Zombie (VA: Hotaru Kamiari)

★ Difficulty Selection added.
You can now choose between EASY MODE and NORMAL MODE when starting a new game.
Difficulty settings are still in development, and is subjected to change in future versions.
Please note that currently you CANNOT change the difficulty in-game.

★ New Boss in Chapter 4.
★ New stages in Chapter 5.
・16 new weapons and Skills.
・6 new weapons, Skills and materials from Monster Girls.
(Hive Slime, Succubus Queen, Sage, Valkyrie, Commander, Zombie)
・14 new accessories.
・12 new items.
・5 new materials.
・18 new memories.
・2 new map objects.

Balance Adjustments:

・Adjustments on Skills:
> Flame Strike: Skill redesigned with new attributes.
> Snake's Gaze: Area changed. SP cost increased.
> Cyclone: Changed to multi-hit. Damage increased.
> Vigor Uplift: Duration and Durability cost increased. SP cost when leveling up decreased.
> Windrush Armor: SP cost increased. Duration during low level increased.
> Shadowdash: Damage increased. Durability cost decreased.
> Avalanche Crash:  Damageincreased. Jump distance will now increase when leveling up. Decrease in Durability when in max level cancelled.
> Jump Strike:  Damage when leveling up increased. Durability cost and SP cost will now increase when leveling up.
> Cutthroat: Chance to inflict Mute decreased.
> Burst Strike: Chance to inflict Stun decreased. Duration and Durability cost when leveling up tweaked.
> Burning Cross: SP cost and Durability cost when leveling up increased.
> Strike Of Fury, Purple Star Meteorite: SP cost increased.
> Chilling Attack: Damage type changed to Weapon Damage. Damagedecreased. Chance to inflict Drain.
> Hit And Run: Prediction added. You now can' t use this Skill to jump over walls and obstacles.
> Burn Strike: Damage increased.
> Gliding Shot: Damage increased. SP cost decreased.
> Marine Slash: SP cost decreased. Damage when leveling up increased.
> Valiant Slash: SP cost decreased. Damage when leveling up increased. Chance to inflict Stun increased.
> Lightning Shower: Damage when leveling up decreased. SP cost and Durability cost increased.
> Tornado Strike: SP cost and Durability cost increased. Damage when leveling up decreased.
> Potion Propulsion: Chance to inflict status ailments when leveling up decreased.
> Hypnosis: Chance to inflict status ailments decreased. SP cost when in max level increased. Decrease in Durability when in max level cancelled.
> Ice Arrow, Ice Arrow, Thunderflash, Tornado Blade: SP cost increased.
> Dark Shield, Aqua Shield, Wind Spirit Shield, Fire Charge, Lightning Charge, Flood Convergence, Cyclone Charge: Duration decreased. SP cost when leveling up increased.
> Cursed Sword Charge: Damage increased. Erosion cost decreased.
> Cursed Sword Armor: Damage increased. You now won' t cost extra Erosion when attacking.

・Adjustments on items:
> Poison Fang: Requirement for forging changed to the following: Tenacity 7, Magic 4. Original chance to inflict Poison increased to 25%. Original Durability increased to 28.
> Flame Hunting Knife: Requirement for forging changed to the following: Magic 5.
> Strengthening Stone: Requirement for forging changed to the following: Tenacity 2, Magic 9.
> Magic Stone: Requirement for forging changed to the following: Magic 3.
>Magic Crystal: Requirement for forging changed to the following: Magic 7.
> Pitcher's Ring: Additional effect added: Damage throwing weapons & materials +10%.
(No effect on your previously obtained accessories)
> Beast Claw Necklace, Church Necklace, Windtalker Earrings, Thermal Bracelet: Original effects buffed.
> Potions and ores regarding status ailments: Additional effects tweaked.
> Elemental stones: Damage when used directly increased.

・Increase/decrease for HP an SP every turn when inflicted with Excited, Drain and Regeneration changed to 5% of respective max value.
・Excited state will now regenerate 3 additional SP.
・Defense influence when inflicted with Fragile nerfed.
・You will now receive more critical damage when inflicted with Blind.
・Poison will now stack and will do more damage than normal.
・You now can' t target Hidden targets when using targeting Skills.
・Weapons thrown and hit will now drop at 1 tile near the target, and will now avoid dropping towards holes.
・Collision will now deal Physical Damage.
・Collision damage dealt by knockback will now scale depending on how far you are originally supposed to be knocked back.
・Random knockback tweaked.
・Weapons and accessories obtaining the effect to increased element projectiles fired will now also obtain the effect to cost HP upon firing element projectiles.
・Heal amount by Monks increased.
・Fire resistance for Fire Bat increased.
・Explosive resistance for Alchemist increased.
・HP for Icicle on Ground increased.
・Enemies that are hit by Larva Shadow will now not target Larva Shadow.
・Residual elements will now not affect Bosses'  breaking point, only damaging them.
・After enemies are defeated by Poison, collision or residual elements, the player will receive EXP as long as the above damage is dealt by them.
・Enemies will not take damage from residual elements when the player is downed.
・Damage for weapons will now be scaled by their Mass.
・Materials dropped when using the Scrapper tweaked.
・Defense added to accessories through Enchantment Pedestals decreased.
・All attributes added to accessories through Special Enchantment Pedestal decreased.
・Outposts will now not contain Soul Drops.
・You will now have a lower chance of receiving Soul Drops if you have more Soul Drops in possession, whether in your inventory or in the Storage.

Other Changes:

★ Engine changed to electron 19.1.9.
(It is known that PCs not meeting the requirements will experience unexpected errors. If that happens to you, please download the old engine data and overwrite it to your game directory, and notify us about your issues if possible.)

・Rezia' s Storage expansion will now expand your storage by 10 instead of 5 every time.
・Requirements for Rezia' s errand in Chapter 2 decreased to 25 Tenacity. You now can' t give Rezia more materials once her requirements drop below 0.
・You can now hear Shanoa' s working voice when you are near her maintaining your weapons.
・Animation added to the title screen.
・Map quality improved in Outposts in Corridor of Sorrow and Dim Castle Ruin.
・Miscellaneous visual improvements.

Bug Fix:

・Fixed the bug where using Force skipping will cause the Live2D animations to malfunction.
・Fixed the bug where certain Skills activated by enemies will cause the game to softlock.
・Fixed the bug where certain jump Skills have wrong prediction.
・Fixed the bug where under certain conditions, putting accessories in the Storage and then activating Skills will cause the game to crash.
・Fixed the bug where defeating enemies by throwing weapons using Precision Throwing will cause the game to crash.
・Fixed the bug where potions shot from Potion Propulsion won' t have the same chance to inflict status ailments and duration as the Skill description.
・Fixed the bug where the additional effects having a chance to inflict status ailments for your weapons and accessories will also apply when throwing weapons and materials.
・Fixed the bug where Sword Maiden will still be knocked back in Super Armor state.
・Fixed the bug where when Commander is defeated by status ailments while airborne, the game would softlock.
・Fixed the bug where after activating the additional effect to recover HP when downed, you won' t be knocked back until you are downed again.
・Fixed the bug where you could not adjust direction after selecting a targeting Skill and not select a target.
・Fixed the bug where you can take more than 1 Explosive in the tutorial stage.
・Fixed the bug where you can open the menu while recovering from struggling.
・Other miscellaneous fixes.









>「投手戒指」:增加固有效果「「投擲武器」「投擲素材」傷害 +10%」

.武器、飾品獲得追加效果『「元素箭」類戰技攻擊次數 +X』時,將同時附帶追加效果『每次發射「元素箭」時HP -X』


★將遊戲引擎更換為electron 19.1.9版本

.改善「哀愁的迴廊 休息點」「昏暗的城堡遺址 休息點」的地圖品質




DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87832909


OS: Windows 7 (64 bit) CPU: Intel Core i5 - 3450 or higher GPU: GTX 460 or higher RAM: 6 GB or higher
















