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Hi everyone!

So, you might already guess what we're talking about today considering Doroelle shows herself with the construction sign again...
Due to several issues and circumstances during the development process, we have to sadly postpone the launch of The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith.
Currently the release date according to DLSite is this month, but we are going to change that date in the following days.

We are terribly sorry to all you followers who have been extremely supportive all these days.
Truly, we have been working our butt off, but there's just too much crap going on...
Our producer have prepared a quick talk regarding the situation, so scroll down if you're interested.

Lastly, we are scheduling a small update by the end of 2022, so please stay tuned.
Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience, and will continue to strive to finish the puzzle that is this game!







Hello everyone. It's been quite a while since the last status update, so let me catch you up a little bit.

We are almost complete with every single Monster Girl for the next major update, as well as the assets for new items, weapons, effects etc. We're still working on the implementation of the Boss, and the scenario-related stuff needs some more time along with the voice acting.
Unfortunately, we can't promise a concrete date for the major update, but there should be a minor one by the end of this year for testing some of the new features we implemented.

As I mentioned before, we want to make sure Cursed Blacksmith can be intriguing both story-wise and system-wise. That's why a codex feature, one that's highly requested, is developed recently. Now players should feel more convenient reading all the descriptions and specs for items.
Also, the neverending balancing hell is above us. We are considering revamping effects and visuals for some of the Skills, as well as some accessories. Please look forward to it.

Now the not-so-interesting part: My personal business.

I've mentioned last time that I had to do a surgery for my fistula, and the possibility of it coming back and biting me.
That exact thing happened. Medication and constant medical check was needed. Now the fistula was gone, but if it comes back once again, another surgery will be on the way. I truly hope it doesn't come to that.

Moreover, there have been quite a lot of things happening regarding my personal life. Some communication went by, and some scars were made. I have been depressed for some time.
I worry that this will take a toll to our project, so I need some distraction, or rather some ways to heal my exhaustion.

Oh, and about the surgery I just said? I actually got THE GLOBAL SENSATION that time period and had to postpone the surgery for a while. Let's just say it was truly a bad year for me.
Speaking of which, one of our members just got THE GLOBAL SENSATION as well, and was downed for a few weeks. Add that to the usual day-time-job pressure and end-of-the-year business and you get quite a mess here.

I think I might be out of my luck for now and repaying what I've gained in the past. I don't know, and I'm not going to deep further. I just hope next year will be better.

I truly can't thank you enough for the constant support for Ason. As always, we will keep pushing forward while try taking care of ourselves, so we hope you can do the same: Stay healthy, happy, and maybe productive.
Happy early holidays!














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